*Chapter 10

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I'm sitting in my room casting out my magic to see if I can find out what's going on with Addison and her mother. I've done it a million times before but it never works, but today I feel stronger and more powerful that's why I am trying again. I grab the sides of my chair, trying not to scream out in pain.I can tell it's working for the first time ever!
Some how I end up on the ground and I hear two people screaming Kristen's name. Dont they know who I am? I slowly open my eyes to see Addison and Kristen's new husband leaning over me. I sit up but I quickly fall back down.
"Careful mom you don't want hurt yourself even more." excuse me! I am not a girl let alone a mom! I'm her freaking father! I look down at myself to see I'm possessing Kristen's body. Oh! Now this makes sense! Addison and the guy quickly pull away from me and Addison goes to the counter and grabs a butcher knife! A freaking butcher knife! Does she plan to use that on me? I'd prefer not to be skinned alive by my own daughter thank you very much! I may possessing Kristen's body but I'll still be able to feel the pain and in the end she'd only end up with no mother.
"Dad block the door." my daughter says to the angel dude. He walks over to the door with a knife in hand, which I didn't even know he picked up.
"Ut hunc cultrum, ad mactandum daemones potestatem!" She says under her breath and gets louder and louder till the knife she's holding lights up in a white fire and then disappears but their is still a faint glow.
"Well daddy isn't this a nice surprise?" she says to me sarcastically. How on earth did she know I was here? The angel dude must have told!
"No daddy I was the one who told him. You know your thoughts aren't safe around me anymore. I can hear everything you think." I feel scared of her, but I know I shouldn't because she's so much like me! Shoot I should put up a block so she can't get in my head! Just before I start I hear her laughing.
"Go right ahead see how well that works out for you." she says and I know she's taunting me. I decide to put up the most powerful block known to all angels and demons. When I'm finished I look at her and smirk knowing there's no way she'll get through it. Shes powerful but she ain't that powerful! I feel her outside of the block inspecting it.
"Weak! Oh so very weak!" She states like its the most common thing.
"Weak! It's the most powerful block know to any angel or demon! Sweetie don't overestimate your power!" I shriek. I feel her pull out of my head.
"Let me rephrase that. It's weak to me. Just remember I'm the first of my kind. Jamie go inside and try to get through the block that's in his head. Okay?" She asks the guy and he nods.
"Jamie is a very powerful angel and a skilled fighter." I feel him go in my head and soon followed by Addison.
"Okay go." she says to the pathetic angel. He starts shooting fire balls to try and break the wall, but the wall just absorbs it and gets stronger.
"I can't do it, it- it's to stron- strong." he says out of breath.
"Oh I wasn't expecting you to break it! I just needed to show him how powerful I am!" She's wickedly and then with a snap of her fingers the wall crashes down to the ground, causing me pain.
"Do you want to know what a powerful wall feels like?" She asks and I nod wanting to know how powerful she is. Im still in shock that she was able to break that wall down! It shouldn't even be possible! Yet she did it!
I go inside her head knowing she lowered her block for me to get in, But as soon as I'm in the walls go back up and block me from getting out, and from anyone else getting in.
I walk around till I see her sitting at the end of the land, with her feet dangling off the edge. When I get to where she is I look over the cliff to see lava boiling right under her feet.
"I see you found me okay." she says getting up. I just nod my head. All of a sudden the ground starts shaking and this glass wall appears out of the ground on the other side of the moat of lava, protecting her brain.
"Try and break it!" She says wickedly. I shoot a bunch of fire balls to break the glass but they deflect and shoot back at me.
That's the last thing I see before everything goes black and I feel like I was just dumped in the lava moat...

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