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You guys still liking the story lol? Probably not ngl. This Chapter is a biiiit smaller due to what I have to do Irl. Study etc.

I also havent been able to correct this AT ALL. So beware, you have been warned.

The conversation went smoothly with you and the three aliens. Note; three out of the four. He was rather not happy. Maybe he still held a grudge against you for literally stealing his gun and putting his life in danger. Maybe it was the fact you were simply a 'dumb human' or something along the lines.

They filled you in on the missing facts of your xenomorph vocabulary. It was actually amusing how little everyone really knew.

Through-out the conversation, a few hints were dropped here and there about their history with the xenomorphs. Long-lived enemies. They absolutely hated each other but you figured xenomorphs hate everyone they see or even cross paths with. Yourself included.

You also picked up the fact of how alarmingly fast they can breed/ reproduce. Just like a virus. If all of them aren't killed they can start a whole new million problems for everyone.

Though as the nice yuatjas said their goodbyes in both your language and theirs they left. He still remained though.

"They were nice.." you commented. Unlike someone, you thought as you looked over to his general direction. They treated you somewhat with respect out of anything. Just when you thought being human was a bad thing! This meant the bar must be very low. Almost made you chuckle.

"Ooman you did as expected. I shall now return you to- earth- with a new mission tomorrow. As of now; training." He said as he stood up from the couch locking his eyes with you. The word training had set a number of ideas running through your head.  It made you happy and sad. You had obviously had your military training which was hard at the least. You barely made it through. Remember that time you fell in the mud on a training day? No? well, your old squad does.

Lol, good memories. 

He grunted and left the room and walked out into another part of the ship you had yet to see. Following him, you soon realised that he had a training room of some sorts. It was filled with weapons, all looked interesting enough. From swords to razor boomerangs? Though the weapons were put neatly on the sidewalls of the room, in the middle stood a big mat. The yuatja stood in the middle, he had started to take off some of his armour, like his chest plate.

You took a step ln the mat, it was springy but also not that flexible.

Looking around you saw a bowl full of white dust and some ropes next to it. This was all common information for you, you knew where this was going so you got ready. Lightly dusting your hands and then proceeding to wrap your hands and wrists in the rope. It was thin fabric that complemented your skin colour, it looked nice on you.  :D .

Glancing up as you had finished, he was already in fighting position.

"Fist to fist." He growled and you repeated it softly after him. Just fist to fist.

You took your stance as he watched. Standing there for a solid second, thoughts popping into your head; you should engage him. So you did, taking one step at a time. That was; until you got into fighting range of him.

Throwing the first fist he easily dodged and shoved you to the side with a chuckle. Making more of a fool of yourself, you used your leg to attempt to trip him, or at least, catch him off guard.

Which of course didnt work, he jumped seeing your trick from a mile away. Maybe even miles.

After that, you were completely put on the defence. Something you could actually do a decent job at. Well, that wad against other humans though. He dure tested your skill as his movements were fast. It was block punch dodge dodge dodge block. The yuatja had an extremely strong punch so your last option was dodging.

Little did you know or had yet to see, he was slowly pushing you backwards, not allowing you to make any ground. It only occurred to you when you stepped off the mat for a second feeling the different type of ground under your boot.

This slight distraction, a slight mishap in your head, the few seconds you had loss to your confusion had allowed the creature to land a hit. An uppercut to the stomach, which sent you to the floor choking and coughing. Pain stung through you as you did your best to look up at him. A simple chuckle followed as he turned away, returning to his corner.



By the end of the training you were absolutely blasted. Your muscels would most likely hurt for at least a week  efore the pain would die down. He had left the room with a huff while saying rest now Ooman. While he did this you had collapsed against thr cold floor of the ship trying to regain composure.  You two had been training in there for hours on end, no breaks. It surely did a mumber on your body.

But his? He didn't even break a sweat. Assuming he had dont this his whole life you thought better about it; looking on the bright side of life. Training with an alien life was something to put on your resume.

Chuckling to yourself while getting up, you felt the small brease on your oh so soft skin. It felt refreshing due to the rough workout the both of you had just finished up.

A drip of pride filled your chest as you walked out of the room, going towards the bed room you had already once slept in.

Today was a big day :). Though tomorrow was going to be a bigger one.

WAR //yautja x human reader\\Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora