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I'd say okay-ish editing :P (haven't read over it but I trust Grammarly half-heartedly)


I don't like planes. End of story. Unless I can watch a movie but other than that, I don't like planes. Or cars for that matter!! ugh, I'm so not good with movement. ,_, 

Sorry bout last chapter :/


After telling everyone about what happened last night, you felt better almost. it was a whole lot of weight taken off your shoulders and right now, you needed that. but the thing is how did the others feel about this whole thing? 

after you told everyone, you sat down by spider. phone and the others talked but you didn't know what they talked about, you couldn't hear them. you looked over to them and it looked like it was something important, but you thought it would be better to talk to spider than them. it looked like spider needed it.

"You look gloomy, what's up?" you hoped that wasn't weird or over inviting for him. he turned his head to you, giving you his attention. his worried attention that is. you looked at him, waiting for him to answer, while the others talked all happy. 

spider sat down on a log, in the shade. he looked down, you knew something was on his mind. it was obvious to you, everyone else was talking, they wouldn't have thought much about it. by it, you mean spider.

"It's just some home trouble, nothing to worry about.." spider mumbled, words you barely heard but were able to make out. You gave him a puzzled look. Could he not tell you knew something was up?

"Want to talk about it?" You offered, hoping to get him to open up. He turned his head at you, his mind elsewhere.

"It's just seeing your family die because of you is tough.." spider explained, watching how you would react. You almost choked, you felt something heavy in your throat.

You thought... you thought he had killed them. Then why would the army take that? He.. he could kill everyone...

You took a brave step forward to the reason why and said: "what happened to them..?". Spider's eyes flickered, he went pale, more than normal.

"Everyone's family died, everyone died for that matter.." he scoffed looking up. "Do you not know what happened at my home?! My everything...?" He choked the last part, you looked at him with pleading eyes shouting "just what happened?"

Everything with your family was fine! Nothing bad really happened, you think. Nothing bad you saw.

"What happened to your family, I don't understand what you're saying..!" You started. "Nothing happened with anyone I knew.."

Spider looked at you, eyes wide. Filled with surprise and a small touch of anger. The trees covering him from the sunlight made him look paler.

"Yo-you mean... it didn't get to you??" Spider asked. Suddenly the tension was high. Spider seemed crazy, he murdered his own family! By now his face had edged over to yours, this was also the first time you had really had a proper conversation with him and you felt... rather scared.

"W-what didn't get to me spider?" You asked and studdered, your voice wasn't strong enough to maintain its confidence.

Spider froze up when minute called you and him. You would have to find out another time. You cursed at yourself for that. Spider got up and walked off, fear in every step he took. You looked at him with worry. Who knew spider had a fear?

You soon got up and walked over to minute, who looked at you two. Then he commanded, "alright since what happened last night we will keep 1 person and base and the rest will be on scouting or hunting." He looked around, to make sure everyone was paying attention. He soon continued knowing everyone was paying close attention. "Latch will be with me while phone and minute will be together. We all will be scouting while sparrow will wait at the base... get ready.."

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