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Before latch got an alien to the face-


Mmm yes- this won't be as long as normal simply because it is your point of last night and I don't think that needs 1500 + words-

I let my friend read a little bit of this and she spazzed because here is where I flip the plot on the ground and step on it- nah jk im not that creative.

I let my friend read a little bit of this and she spazzed because here is where I flip the plot on the ground and step on it- nah jk im not that creative

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After saying night to minute you headed off to your tent- it was...  warm. Somehow, not to warm but not freezing cold either.

You hummed in a good mood as you closed the tent door with a quick ZIP noise. Then you face first fell onto your bed / rug. You smiled.

Your 'bed' felt warm to you and you felt as if you would get a good nights rest. Which had not happened in a long time... The army was a harsh place.

You snuggled deep in your bed where you felt safe. You knew it was childish to so, to think you were safe under a blanket. Though you didn't care.

The zipper of the tent opened, a rush of cold air brushed up against your face, making the hairs on the back of your neck spring up.

"Wah-huh?" you mumbled looking up at the intruder.

Spider..??? Was that spider??

"Minute told me to sleep here- is that alright?" He asked, his head peeking through the tent door zipper thingy.

You didn't want to be rude plus you didn't want to be alone so it couldn't hurt right? You gave him a nod and he came in.

Almost falling on minutes half of the tent.

Flashbacks of what spider had said to you before came flooding back. His family-

You gulped, maybe this was a good time to ask? Or maybe it wasn't! When was the right time then!?!? Was there even a good time for a topic like this?? You didn't know, you just didn't know...

"Sparrow? What's wrong?" Spider said in a low deep tone as he looked at you. He probably noticed you looking out into space... now was the time. Hopefully, you were right.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" You started, giving him a stern look.

"Sure." He simply replied, relaxing his shoulders a bit.

"What happened to your family" the air grew thick, you almost choked. It felt like you couldn't breath then spiders voice rang through your ears.

"My sister got sick.. very sick... she had a high fever for days- it just got higher and higher- until... until IT happened." He slowed as he looked down, your stomach turned seeing him in this state... even if you don't know him well, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Then one day- one day her fever got really high- we couldn't control it and- and she died in a lot of pain-" you gave spider a pat on a shoulder. You knew the people who don't talk have a story they want to tell, even if its horrible...

You let him continue...

"We all thought she died, we thought she did! Her fever got way too high! But-but she didn't! She-she somehow didn't!!" Now spider was shivering as he spoke. You snuck over to him and hugged him, what he was saying was crazy at most.

He continued.

"She wasn't really alive but she wasn't dead- she-she was sick... her skin, it was horrible. All messed up and her eyes... THEY were dead... I... I was scared of her but my parents weren't, they thought this was from God! I thought it was from Satan. We were both wrong.." he stopped as he looked down then to the side where you sat.

"It's alright.." you comforted, this sounded crazy- like movie crazy!!

"My parents went to hug her,  she scratched mum and bit my father... and I ran. A single bit and scratch were enough to drop my parents.." by now he has let a few tears slip by and you hugged him harder...

"I went to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could. I then cut her in the throat and stabbed her head. Sparrow they-they were zombies. I did the same thing to mum and dad. That's when I joined the army and- and now I'm here."

"Z-zombies?!?! Oh my- SPIDER that's why there were only 40 people on this mission and we didn't even get guns!! The guns are too loud and probably given to the higherups and the army would be else where- defending people!" He stared at you with wide eyes. "Why didn't they just tell us??"

Spider shook his head " I don't know? To let us be happier for a little more? To make us focus on our mission?"

You looked at him.. "why didn't you tell us before??" You asked.

"I thought you all knew and just didn't talk about it..." spider said under his breath, looking down.

"I had a mass murderer in my town, I now don't know if they were human or zombie. I font know if my family is safe! Oh my gosh, that's why they told me to jo-join the ar-my!" You almost cried at this point... you didn't want it to be like the movies, you didn't want everyone to die.

"Aliens and now zombies..." spider whispered.


"SPIDER, PHONE AND SPARROW HELP- GET HELP NOW!!!" Minutes voice came as a scream and you both scrambled to get out of the tent to see latch...


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