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For the last week you had been sleeping in your own room, which was only a limited time thing. Today was the last day you would sleep in it.

You suspected it was because everyone thought you would lose in the duel of the fates today, even though they had all seen your display of ju'dha.

You got out of the massive bed filled with animal fur of some kind. It was softer than anything you had ever seen.

You made your way down the halls.

Rounding a sharp corner you were met with a large as fuck room filled with yautja.

You saw ju'dha on the other side of the room but decided not to run up to him. You two had grown somewhat distant since training had began.

Qnd quiet frankly you didn't want to bother or burden him anymore than you had to.

You stayed close to the entrance with your slightly oversized hoodie and sport leggings.

You make your way through the crowd of tall yautja, most didnt even feel your presence as they were focused on the fight in front of them.

Once you made your way to the front you were able to see the fight close up.

A red and black yautja hurled a smaller green yautja across the ground, and gave a rather loud roar. The green yautja landed at your feet.

Then the red yautja looked at you and flared his mandibles.

You gulped.

Two fights later you were called up, then another name you didn't recognise. That's until you saw him, the black and red yautja from before. Who was somehow bigger than ju'dha, however fewer scars.

a boost of confidence shot through you, however, this was then crushed by his frame towering over yours. this was going to be something

10 minutes later and you were had geared up. You had a small dagger and a spear. So did the other alien.

And now you stood in an arena with him.

You both stalked around each other.

It was sudden, his stance changed to a blure as you tried to locate what was a hand or a head. He flew at you with so much speed that you were barely able to jump out of the way. He was fast, but nothing like an xenomorph.

It took five minutes, but by the end you only had a small scratch on your shoulder and an unconscious yautja on the ground with his tongue poking out to the side.

You huffed your pride in the silent room of yautja.

'Onto the next' you thought to yourself as you made your way out of the fighting area to find a place to sit and rest.

You were going to need your strength for the other battles, though it did ease your mind earing the growling coming from the crowd of yautjs as they watched thr next fight in excitement.

You didnt realise it but you had fallen asleep, blood had gone down your arm although the blood was now thinning out. In the end the wound was barely above that of a scratch. You got up and walked over to the crowd, just in time too.

There stood the elder over him, ju'dha. You froze. Oh shit. You thought as you stared at the elder... his foot still on a barely breathing ju'dha.

Your heart jumped.

And before you knew it, you were in the fighting area, your stance was small compared to his; this was nothing like the red and black yautjs you had faught before, this one was different, though what were yiu expecting.

You felt a sudden sting from your tiny wound which caused you to flinch, the elder took this chance to delete the ground between the two of you. In a split second, the yautja was now in your personal space, engaging in on close combat... face to face. Something that put you at a disadvantage to them, you needed to get behind him.

Your body dodged for you as the punch went flying past your face, though he didnt allow you to roll or run away. He remained inches away from your face.

And in came another ounch, which uour body dodged again, your mind falling behind.

Suddenly, he dissapeared from your vision, you jumped, dogding his sweep.

'Oh you shit head' you mumbled while you landed and brought your knee up as fast as your could, kneeing him in the chin as you did so.

A loud grunt came from him and a loud gasp came from the crowd if yautja.

Quickly bringing your leg down, using this moment of his stun, you brought yoour elbow doen and attempted for preform a K/O on him, which could have worked, if you were stronger or a yauja.

The move was a double d]edged sword, if it knocked him out, which any human would have been knocked out, you would hsbe won. Hough thats not the case, he is a yautja. The other edge of the sword? It resulted in you having terrible footing.

You both fell to the ground, however his reactions were way faster then yours and he kept you on the ground by pinning you.

Flaring his mandibles in your face as he let out a growl, he shouted

"DO YOU YIELD?'' You knew if he hit you.. it would be game over. Though that wasnt the reason you would back down, it was the crazed look in his eyes.

The way they watched your squirm under his superior strength wih delight and terror.

He wanted to kill you

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