Chapter 1: Master

Start from the beginning

The leader looked at the shark man and said, "Kisame, you are responsible for her. She will do what you say, and you may do whatever you want with her, but don't kill her. She will be serving us as well."

After all that was said, everyone else went to continue their buisness and left you to fend for yourself.

"Um, hello." You said with a small nervous giggle. Is he going to eat me?

"Hello, so what shall I do with you?" He sat in deep thought while you were thinking in your own little world of all the things he would do to you. "There isn't much for you to do at the moment, but here are the rules: don't run away, do as I say, and don't obey anyone else unless I agree."

You nodded and thought, that's simple enough. Thinking that all the rules were said, you went to find an excuse to start working. But due to unlucky events, there was more to be said.

"There is a couple more rules I forgot to mention," he grinned even wider, "you will be where I am at all times and, " the pause made sweat to drop from your face, "you will call me master."

Your jaw dropped in shock. You went to protest, but his teeth made you freeze. Seeing you in thought, he asked, "Is there any problems?"

"N-no..." you stuttered. I don't want to be fish bait.

"'No' what?" He bent down so you would see face-to-face. You didn't know what he meant till you thought of the rules.

"No...master," you said and looked down at your feet.

"Good girl. Now, let's go," he said and began to walk down a hallway. You didn't dare to disobey.


"The long black hair guy," you said as you pointed to the silent, and serious young man. He looked at you silently. He seemed normal and easy to handle. But what worried you the most, his expressionless face. You couldn't see what he was thinking, and it became annoying.

"Itachi, it looks like she chose you. I'm sure you will be able to be responsible enough to teach her the rules and show her how to take care of things. She will serve you most of the time, but she will serve us when we need her." The leader spoke then left.

The rest of the group talked to each other while Itachi stared at you and you stared back.

What the hell is running through his mind!?

Interrupting the stare, the white haired bastard yelled from across the room, "Hey, I think I see love at first sight!" He pointed to you and Itachi. "Are you going to start making out or skip that step in the relationship?"

You flipped him off before Itachi threw a Sherikan at him.

While the white haired boy threw a temper-tantrum, you asked, "is there anything I should know at the moment?"

It took him a moment before it looked like he made a decision. In a calm tone he said, "just follow me, don't run off unless you want to die, me master," he turned away and began to walk off but stopped a few feet away, "Did you not hear me say, 'follow' in the rules?"

"Oh!" You blush slightly and follow him not knowing where you were going.

You point to the man with his face covered and only his abnormal eyes revealed.

Before the leader could speak he asked with a demonic voice, "Do I have to pay her?"

The leader sighed and responded, "No, but you are responsible of her. She will obey you and work for you...for free," this seemed to have pleased the scary man,"But you can not sell her her, kill her, nor let her run off. If you do, you will be punished. That is all."

Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now