Arc 1.12 - Alex McGuire

Start from the beginning

The expressionless Alex walked closer to the two.

"Yes, we are friends. I currently need this friend, so if you wouldn't mind..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Sherry began talking about how they should all get together soon and have some dinner with her fiancé, Brendon. For some reason, there was an abnormal amount of stressing out that she had a fiancé with her words as well as showing off her engagement ring as if trying to say 'no sorry, I know you're interested in me but I can't go out with you, I'm taken'.

Alex discreetly rubbed his temple when he pretended to brush his hair back. Slowly a smiling began to grow on his face, 'Someone please make this blabbering bitch go awaaaayy! Or I swear to god someone is going to get hurt soon!'

As if Eric heard his inner thoughts, he decided it was time for Sherry to go as he ended the conversation.

"For sure, the both of us will definitely meet up with you guys one day. We should talk about it more, another time."

"Yeah? You guys definitely should. Anyways, I gotta go now Eric~" Her voice turned sultry at the end. As she walked towards the smiling Alex she touched his arm and said her sultry voice only he could hear "I'll be seeing a lot more of you, gorgeous~" Alex dropped his smile and turned his head at his shoulder as she left through the door.

Only when she finally left through the elevator did Alex turn his head towards Eric. Blank face and all he slowly strutted closer and closer towards Eric. When he was too close, Eric instinctively took a step back.

Then they continued with this step back and step ahead routine until Eric's body was pressed against the wall behind him. Alex pulled Eric's wrist towards himself, making Eric's body crash into his broad chest. Wrapping his arms around Eric's waist he leaned him against the wall and lowered his face towards him.

Just as Eric thought he was going to be kissed by him, Alex instead lowered his head down and rested his forehead on Eric's shoulder. Eric didn't move, he couldn't move.

He had felt Alex being strange the moment he walked in, expressionless. Alex was never expressionless, he always either had a smirk playing on his lips or some form of a smile. Even when being unreadable Eric still had an idea of his mood from the vibe he was giving off.

Eric thought Alex was like this because Sherry was hugging him. And when Alex said he needed him for some business/as a friend, he also thought it had to do with him and Sherry hugging or to talk about his excessive pursuit on him.

Until, he caught Alex trying to put pressure on his temple when he brushed his hair back. That action definitely made him worried. It made him think that something was definitely wrong.

And then there was Alex's smile towards Sherry, it was completely different from his usual ones. This one brought a chill to Eric, he felt some underlined bloodlust spilling from behind that smile. Trusting his gut, he ended Sherry's talking in a hurry. He was thankful that she got the message and left.

What made him even more worried was what Sherry had said to Alex before leaving. Before, Alex was at least showing some small sign of emotion from the atmosphere around him, but not after she left. It was like he was moving but not awake.

"Sleep with me."

This sentence completely short-circuited his brain.

"Wha-what?! I already told you I'm no- ALEX!" Before he could finish what he was saying, Alex's knees buckled and he began falling on his side, towards the wooden desk. Thankfully, Eric was quick to catch him before Alex injured himself.

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