It wasn't just last night's events playing out in his head now, almost every fight that has ever left a scar on his brain like a tattoo was now replaying vividly, only adding on to his terrified form, shaking in his shoes as he kept hearing his name being called, but it sounded so far away that it almost didn't register-he almost didn't catch it and immediately recognize the voice that belong to Jimin.

Taehyung seemed to have snapped out of it only to see Jungkook walking towards him, but I wasn't Jungkook's face. His features were replaced with his father's, his body and everything else, from his face to the clothes he had on his back. His mind was great at playing tricks on him, and he was entirely convinced his father was now walking towards him, face full of anger and body shaking with rage as he looked at him with hateful and disgusted eyes, lips turned to a scowl.

He watched as he pulled his arm back, hand balled up into a tight fist, causing him to instantly break and flinch violently from the sight, expecting the impact that never came. "Please don't hit me," he whispered with shaky and pleading voice, causing his friends to look at him with concerned and worried filled eyes, but it added more of confusion to Jungkook seeming he hadn't moved a muscle.

He saw as Taehyung had brought his arms up and caged his head behind them, blocking and protecting himself from whatever he was imagining. Jungkook was instantly concerned, quickly walking up to him and throwing his own bag on the ground, looking at him with round and glossy eyes, lips slightly parted as he reached out and delicately wrapped his fingers around Taehyung's dainty wrists.

Taehyung flinched again as he looked up through his arms, seeing his father's face closer to his, causing a scared yelp to escape his lips as he tried backing away from him and out of his best friends' grasps, but they wouldn't let him go, only causing him to freak out more as he tried prying himself away from them, incoherent strings of words leaving his mouth, causing his friends to worry about him as they held him in place-not allowing him to go.

They didn't understand what was going on, and the bell had run a few minutes ago, the halls now empty, only leaving the five of them, alone, watching and trying to make sure Taehyung didn't hurt anyone or himself. They had no clue what the younger was seeing-what he was imagining and convinced that was real. They had no idea what was running and replaying through his head, causing his panic attack to worsen and his body to shake violently due to his anxiety and fear.

"What's going on with him?" Hoseok asked, eyes looking over at Jimin, who shrugged his shoulders, at a complete loss for words as he tried making out what the small brunette boy was trying to say, but he couldn't make out a single word tumbling out of his mouth. "What do we do?" He asked another question, starting to panic that Taehyung was acting in this certain way, not understanding what was going on and the meaning behind it.

Yoongi stood behind Taehyung, blocking his way and not allowing him to go anywhere, all four males not understanding how this was just making everything worse for Taehyung and the situation. The didn't realize how this was just adding on to his panicked state, causing the images to flash more frantically, like flashing lights you would see at a club, and it was terrifying him like no tomorrow.

He frantically tried finding a way out, feeling like a mouse in a trap, can't get out and slowly suffocating, and it hurt so fucking bad. All he could see was his father's face, hearing his voice scream and yell at him, telling him harsh things that stabbed him right in the chest, and it was all so much he began to hyperventilate. His chest heaving up and down rapidly, panting heavily and fast, eyes shutting tight on their own when it all became too much for him.

"Tae." Yoongi tried getting out, but he couldn't since the young brunette boy was now desperately trying to get out of their grasps, his tears now falling down his face as panic was now completely settled in and had now taken over his entire being, experiencing his fist episode since weeks, and he didn't miss them one bit. "Tae, you need to calm down."

"Tae, what's wrong?" He heard Jimin ask, but all the questioning made him feel pressured and as if he were being interrogated in the most harmful way, and it only made the situation worse for them all. He couldn't answer questions, not with the state he was in, at least. He could only allow hot, salty tears to run down his porcelain cheeks, staining them, not even realizing he was releasing them now.

He didn't know what was going on-seeming because he was now back in his house, just walking in the light he front door and about to head up to his room-until his father grabbed him and the violence and abuse began once again. He shuddered and flinched every time he felt a hand on his body, a small whimper leaving his lips as he cowered down before freaking out again and trying to get out of their grips.

Jungkook didn't know what came over him, but he grabbed the small brunette boy by his shoulders, shoving off the other three's hands off him and wrapping his arms around the trembling male. Taehyung, of course, tried getting away because he didn't understand what was going on and who it was that was hugging him-his father the only thing that keeps popping up in his head.

He tried punching the unknown man away, feeling a little angry he was able to get ahold of and not being able to break himself free, but he heard soothing sounds as he was held tightly against a broad chest, arms holding him there and not allowing him to break free. Jungkook held him there, not letting go until he felt Taehyung's trembling body come to a halt, but even then he wouldn't let him go until he was absolutely sure he was okay and good to go.

Taehyung didn't know why but he soon gave in and stopped punching him, arms now pressed between their two bodies, sniffling as tears fell from his deep brown orbs. He could still see and hear his father, and it sent another intense shudder down his spine, feeling more tears prickle the back of his eyes again, more and more falling, staining his cheeks but right now, he could care less.

His main goal was to get his father out of his head-wanting to leave his house and come back to reality. It seemed like forever before the images started to subside, the voices now becoming faint and farther away, and he could feel his body relax in the random stranger's embrace. He still had tears escaping his eyes, though, but it didn't surprise him because the after affects of his episodes were the ones that really drained him mentally.

He would snap back to reality and realize everything he imagined wasn't true, and he would cry because he felt so stupid for believing everything his mind made up for him. He would go through a tunnel and just wish things he knows he'll never get, but he still thought it's always worth a try. So he would stand there, crying and soaking whoever's shirt with his hot tears, sniffling as his body shook with quiet sobs.

This episode seemed to have taken an immense toll on the small brunette boy, causing his eyes to grow heavy and droopy, feeling completely exhausted. He could have fallen asleep standing up if it weren't for the deep voice next to his ear-a voice he grew familiar with-causing his eyes to shoot open and look up, mouth open as he stared up in shock up at the jock, who still had his arms around him.

"Are you okay?" He immediately felt embarrassed that he had an episode, not only in front of his friends, but in front of one of the most popular guy's in school. He wanted to push away but he was met with a pair of soft brown, caring eyes that glistened beautifully under the fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Taehyung felt his breath hitch in the back of his throat, causing him to just stare up at him, blinking a few times before finally nodding in response. He didn't trust his voice even if he found it. He knew it would come out all shaky and weak, hoarse and groggily, and he didn't want to embarrass himself further, so all he could really manage was a small nod.

What he didn't understand fully was why Jungkook was helping him through his episode and how he knew what to do. It helped him-of course it helped him-but it also amazed him because his friends didn't even know what to do when he was having an episode, but they knew what to do when he was having an anxiety or panic attack right in front of them.

But what he wanted to know was why he was helping him.

Of all people, Jeon Jungkook helped him.

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