Chapter 5: A New Family Member

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Thomas couldn't believe his eyes, His wife was pregnant!

Thomas: Why didn't you tell me?

Ocean: I wanted it to be a surprise

Thomas: Do you know the gender?

Ocean: *Nods* It's a boy

Thomas: *Puts a hand on her stomach* I promise that I won't miss the birth

But a few months after he went home, Ido was fighting in what would hopefully be the last war. Ido knew that if he and his troops were gonna win then he needed Thomas back.

Thomas got the letter and was unsure whether to go or not

Ocean: Go Thomas

Thomas: But what about you? And the baby?

Ocean: The baby and I will be fine Thomas, Now go

Thomas: *Kisses her cheek* Thank you *Leaves*

*Thomas fought in the war for what seemed like forever and won. Ido smiled for they were now free from Queen Ecilspa and Thomas was able to be there for the birth of his son*

Thomas: He's so beautiful, what's his name?

Ocean: I was thinking, Austin

Thomas: *Smiles* I love it

(To be continued, sorry I haven't updated this book in a while I just haven't been motivated to update it. I hope you guys understand)


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