Chapter 3: A Royal Wedding

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The Ball was kind of boring but Thomas's Friends had made it all better. After some time, Thomas became thirsty so he went to get a drink of Water where one of the Greason Sisters showed up.

Thomas couldn't remember which Greason sister she was so he introduced himself

Thomas: Hi I'm-

Nicole: Thomas Anderson, I know

Thomas: Oh and you are?

Nicole: Nicole Greason

Thomas: Well it's nice to meet you Nicole, you're really pretty

Nicole: *Blushes* Well thank you sir

Thomas: Of course *Leaves*

Nicole: *Goes to ask him to Dance after a while but she is stopped by Ocean*

Ocean looked at Nicole, A complete blushing mess and asked if her sister could introduce her to Thomas. Nicole looked at her sister's in love eyes and almost broke down crying but Nicole knew that she had to do this.

Thomas: Where are you taking me?

Nicole: I'm gonna change your life sir

Thomas: Then please keep walking

Thomas and Ocean meet and it was love at first sight. A year went by of Ocean and Thomas sending each other letters and now Thomas was asking her father for a huge favor.

Oskar: So you want to marry my daughter do you?

Thomas: Yes sir

Oskar: Fine, you may marry her but if you break her heart then you'll have to answer to me! Understand!?

Thomas: Yes sir

And just like that Thomas and Ocean were married and Thomas claimed the throne which made Ocean a princess. Through the wedding Nicole sat back and watched as the love of her life get married to her sister

(To be continued, can someone please comment on this. I really want to know what you guys think of it)


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