Chapter 4: Back To The War

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*5 Months went by and Thomas was sent back to fight in the war while his wife Ocean waited for him back home, hoping that her husband would stay alive long enough to meet his son*

Thomas was out of breath, for he seemed to be fighting in the war for what seemed like forever. He asked Ido if he could take the lead but was denied and the role was given to Charlie Lee, the dumbest person to fight in the war.

Thomas was upset that he couldn't take the lead but he was mad when he heard Charlie say bad things about Ido. Thomas knew that he couldn't do anything so his friend John volunteered to challenge him to a duel.

The duel ended with Charlie getting shot and sent home and Thomas getting yelled at by Ido and then sent home. Thomas didn't understand, he knew that Ido was upset but why did he send him home?

It didn't make sense until Thomas was greeted by his now pregnant wife

(To be continued, sorry for the short chapter)


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