Chapter 12

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The next day, things had all gone back to normal. Niall went to his classes and ate lunch with Harry and walked over to the music building for choir. The boys sat in their sections and waiting for Jason to come in. The weather was getting cooler and the leaves were beginning to fall outside. The choir room was full of chatter until their director walked in.

"Alright, alright guys settle down. Listen, I've got a few things to go over." Everyone who wasn't already in their seats found their way there and everyone else got quiet. "Thank you. So before we start I just everyone to give the members of Game Changers a round of applause for their amazing performance this weekend. You guys were incredible." The choir room erupted in cheers and claps while the members of the group smiled and looked around at everyone. Harry and Niall locked eyes for only a moment before turning back to Jason. "You guys deserved that. Ok moving on to the next order of business. As some of you guys know we are approaching end of fall term which means musical season is upon us." Harry sat up in his chair leaning in closer to Jason. "For those of you that haven't been through a musical season with us this is how it works, we will hold auditions here in a few weeks right before term ends. Then you guys will have your few weeks of break to learn your lines and parts and as soon as we return we will begin rehearsals." Niall looked over at Harry but Harry was intently listing to Jason.

"Tell us what the musical is!" Dom yelled resulting in so chuckles for the other members.

"Yes I was getting to that. This year we will be doing The Music Man," Jason smile (Fun face I actually hate this musical but I couldn't think of a better musical that I thought they would do in college.) There were several murmurs going around the crowd. Niall saw Harry smile and knew he would try out. Musical's weren't really Niall's thing so he didn't think he'd be trying out. "So think about that as we go through these next couple weeks. I encourage all of you to try out; my younger members don't be discouraged we give parts by talent, not age." This made Harry smile. He loved this musical and he really wanted to try out of the lead role of Harold Hill. "Alright so think about that. Alright let's warm up." Jason pounded a cord on the piano and they began to sing.

When Niall and Harry walked back to their dorm to get Louis for dinner Harry talked on and on about auditions. Niall had no interest in auditioning for the musical. He wasn't much of a musical performer. He preferred to have his guitar in his hand and acting wasn't really his thing. But he was really excited for Harry.

"So what do you think?" Harry asked turning to look at Niall.

"Yeah I think you should," Niall smiled.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, totally. You're a shoe in." Harry smiled.

"You're too sweet." Niall put his arm around Harry. "Will you help me with the audition?" Harry asked.

"Of course. They gave you the music you needed right?" Niall asked. Harry nodded reaching into his backpack and pulling out the sheet music. "This is from the show?" Harry nodded again. Harry thought about the upcoming audition and had to shake off that sick feeling settling in his stomach. He handed the music to Niall who looked it over and nodded. "Yeah I can help you. I can strum out the chords on my guitar and you can practice." Harry was only half listing but nodded instinctively. "Yeah should be a piece of cake," Niall smiled handing the music back to Harry. When Harry didn't take it Niall knew he wasn't listening. "Hazza?" he questioned. Harry snapped out of his daze and looked at him.

"Oh thank you," he smiled trying to recover. Niall studied Harry's face and realized what was going on.

"Harry you're going to do great. I'll help you," Niall told him.

"Yeah I know. Thank you Niall."

"We will make sure you're totally ready for it. Then you won't have to worry." Harry smiled. He knew what Niall was doing.

"I just don't want to mess up," Harry admitted hanging his head.

"I know. I'll make sure that doesn't happen. We will practice every day," Niall smiled. Harry smiled a little still not lifting his head. "I've always got your back Haz." Harry nodded looking up at Niall. He could help back smiled looking at him.

"Thank you," Harry said softly.

"Any time. Now, lets go eat. I'm starving." With that they walked back to their dorm to get Louis and headed out for dinner. 

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