Chapter 7

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Niall raced down the stairs of his apartment. He was running late. He was supposed to meet Harry ten minutes ago. It had been only a week since the night of the party and Niall and Harry had walked to choir together every day since. Tonight was the first night of their small group practice and Niall was running late. He rushed out the front door running a few steps forward and looked around. He assumed Harry had already left.

"You're late," a voice behind him said. Niall turned around quickly seeing Harry leaned up against the wall just outside the door. Niall smiled.

"Hey bud," Niall smiled feeling relieved. "I was worried you'd left."

"Not a chance," Harry smiled. "Now let's go before we're both late." The two boys walked together to the music building like they had every day for the last week. "So what kept you so long?" Harry asked looking over at Niall.

"I was trying to write that paper I've been working on all week. I totally lost track of time. I looked at my phone and saw the time and panicked," Niall chuckle nervously. Harry still made Niall nervous. He was always worried he was going to say the wrong thing and scare harry off.

"You've been working on the paper all week. I'm sure it's great," Harry smiled.

"It's worth like 20% of my grade. I need to have it perfect."

"Niall you're incredibly smart. You don't give yourself enough credit." Niall's cheeks turned red causing Harry to chuckle. "Hey," Harry took Niall's hand. "Give yourself a break. How about we get dinner after practice?" Niall's heart thumped hard in his chest.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Niall smiled.

"There's that new Mexican place that opened up just outside of campus. You want to try that?"

"Yeah that sounds perfect." Harry smiled. They made it to the music building and as they were walking up towards the door another student came out causing Harry to drop Niall's hand. Neither of the boys were really sure what they were and what was going on but it still hurt Niall that Harry wouldn't show him affection out in public. Maybe this dinner together was just what they needed. Harry cleared his throat.

"Sorry about that," he said shyly.

"Hey, it's ok," Niall smiled. The two boys walked into the building and up to the choir room. There were only ten people including the two boys in this small group. The school had many groups but this one was the most well known. This was the group that went to most of the events to sing and was known for being the hardest to get into. The group was called The Game Changers. The name goes back years in the school history when the founder of the group got it approved to be recognized as the first small group on the campus ever created the founder said "Wow, this is a game changer." At least that was the legend behind the group and the name.

Harry and Niall were the two youngest members in the group. Though it wasn't completely unheard of to have a freshmen make the group never in the history of the group did two freshmen make it at the same time. So both boys were feeling very proud but also very nervous walking into the room. All of the girls were already there. There were six girls, three altos and three sopranos. Then there would be four boys, two tenors and two basses. The girls smiled as the two walked into the room.

"We might actually have two boys that show up on time," one of the girls smiled. Niall smiled right away feeling comfortable. Harry however was almost paralyzed with nerves. If Niall hadn't taken the first step forward Harry probably would've stayed froze there.

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