part 4 1/2

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Part 4 1/2

After all the madness at vals house, Rico left and I headed home. It seemed as though my life was literally falling apart at the seams. Rico never really left my heart, I just knew I had to move on. Now I sit here dreading going in the house and facing Jamaal. Somehow I gathered myself and went inside. Jamaal was sitting on the couch. No tv. No noise. Just silence. He just sat there looking straight ahead, not even really phased by my entrance, just sitting. " Well I didnt talk to val but-"  He stood and faced me. His demeanor silenced me. I could see that he was mad. "So if you didnt talk to val, why didnt you answer when I called you?" I walked  towards the kitchen. Trying to get away from him as I spoke. " It was so crazy there, honestly I was just trying to figure out what was happening." I began to open the cabinets, unsure of what I was actually searching for. Maybe if I cook or something he will just chill out. As I turned to the refrigerator, I was startled to find Jamaal directly behind me. So close I could feel him breathing on me. His hands clutched the tops of my arms. His gaze steady. Was this it? Round 2. My plan this time was to fight back. We gone tear this dam kitchen up today lord jesus. I braced myself because something was telling me that he was about to knock my ass somewhere over in the living room. Instead he began to speak. " I'm only gonna ask you this once. You have one chance to be honest with me so,  I advise you to do so......" I tried to back away from him, but his grasp was so tight I couldnt move.  " Baby your hurting me! " I looked up at him hoping he would realise what he was doing and stop. Instead he spoke. The words he said let me know that this was only a preview of what was coming....... " If you fucking with your ex, I'll kill you. I'm not fuckin stupid. I know he was there and I know you spoke with him. Bitch I'm telling you now, I will kill you and him. I refuse to let you leave me. You think I'm supposed to just give you up? Let you run off with him. You better learn to respect me. I provide all this shit for you and instead of being grateful, you wanna make me look like a fool....." I didnt even respond I just looked at him. What do you say to someone who just threatened to end your life? I have to leave. I knew at this point if I didnt, he would probably end up killing me. " Jamaal, I love you. If I didnt I wouldnt be here." He let go of me and stood there as if he thought I was lying. " If you love me so much, why the fuck you hugging on your ex and shit?" Before I responded i realized that he had been watching me. How else would he know that I hugged Rico? " So your following me now? Were you watching me at vals house?"  I could see that me asking him that, sparked a fire inside of him. Without speaking he lunged at me, grabbing me by my throat,  he began to punch me in the face with his other hand. Fighting back at this point, honestly seemed like a waist of time. I tried to shield my face. His fist connected with several places on my body before I collapsed. He disappeared from my sight for a few minutes before returning with a 9 mm glock, which he held at my head.  " Bitch I will kill you before I let you leave me. You understand me? will fuckin die Ciara I'm not playing with you.!!"  He struck my face several times with the gun before tossing my body to the ground. I was supposed to fight back. It all happened so fast, I just couldnt. He said he would kill me, what if he really meant it? I knew I had to leave. But how? He found me last time I tried. I would have to be smarter about this. I would have to meticulously plan this out. If I just wait and kill him while he sleeps I'll spend the rest of my life in jail. Ain't that some shit? He the one threatening and beating me, I fight back I go to jail. My thoughts were interrupted by a news report coming from the t.v. ......." the victim has been identified as 30 year old Derrick Jefferies.  Witnesses claim the victim and his wife left their  home late yesterday evening in search of their missing son Jackson porter. The couple never returned home and the car was spotted wrecked on the I-35 interchange heading westbound. The victims wife and son are still missing. If anyone has any information please contact iris county sheriff's department, Jim back to you......." my heart seemed to stop for a second. Derrick is dead? How did all this happen. Valerie is missing. My God please let her be alive. Please let jackson be alive. I started to cry. My heart hurt, my body ached. All I wanted was to find my sister and nephew. God please I beg you, bring them home safe. 😓😢......

Stay tuned for part 5

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