part 3

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Part 3

I decided that it was time for me to fix the mess I had made of my life. I needed to at least try to mend things with val. We had been friends since elementary school and she was more like a sister to me. She was the only friend of mine that knew anything about the money I had and even though I'm sure she had been tempted to speak on it, she never did. I was also the only person that knew who Jackson's biological father was. A secret val made me swear to with my blood and hers.....literally. jackson is a good kid and up until I had gotten with Jamaal I saw him everyday. Did I really cut off every person of importance in my life for a man that was probably gonna use me as his personal punching bag? As I looked around the home Jamaal and I shared, I realized the price I had payed for everything.  My best friend and nephew had never even been here. My parents had never been here. I had basically cut myself off from everyone I cared about. Even though jamaal only beat my ass once, who knows when it would happen again. Leaving him obviously wasnt an option considering the fact that he somehow found exactly where I was. Something in my gut was telling me that Jamaal wasnt the person I thought he was and that I probably should go about this differently. My gut was also telling me to call val. Even though we hadn't talked in forever, I knew her number by heart. She had kept the same phone number since high school. Yea, crazy....right? After calling a few times and getting her voicemail I decided to go by her house. At least I knew she could help me make some sense of all this stuff with Jamaal. Even though he hadn't shown the slightest signs of any violence since the incident, I knew in my heart I shouldn't be with someone capable of that kind of shit. I grabbed my keys and phone and left. Jamaal was still at work so I had a couple hours until he would be home. I knew val was gonna flip once I told her everything that had transpired between us. On the ride to her house my normal gangsta rap was put on pause. I opted to listen to Deborah cox to coincide with my somber mood. Even though I knew I was going to be welcomed with open arms, I was a little nervous. I mean how do you justify turning away from your best friend for a man you barely even know? I never thought I would ever be "that person".  Dick whipped. How could all the things that mean so much be minimized by something as mediocre as some "good dick"? Even my family. I had good parents. I was raised in a loving home. Why was it so easy for me to be swayed by this man. I hadnt spoken to my parents in months and it took for this man to beat my ass for all of this to even be relevant in my mind. God who have I turned into? As I pulled up in front of Valerie's house, everything that I had just been pondering became completely minuscule. Cops were everywhere. People where everywhere. I threw my car in park and ran up the walkway. Examining each face I passed, I realized I didnt see jackson val or her husband Derrick. That was when I began to panic........

Stay tuned for the conclusion of part 3

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