part 4

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Part 4

Jackson was missing. Valerie and Derrick were missing in action. Her phone was going straight to voicemail. After speaking to one of the officers at her house, I returned to my car and sat there in disbelief. Jamaal had already called several times. Even though I didnt want to risk making him mad again I felt like I should be here. I needed to help somehow. Tears rolled down my face as I looked over the few people remaining. Most of them probably just there to be nosy, only a couple probably actually cared. Then standing on the walkway looking completely lost, I see Rico. For a second my somber mood seemed to brighten the slightest bit. Memories of all the good times we had flooded my mind. All the trips we'd taken. All the late nights and early mornings, all the places we had fucked, all of that played in my mind like a movie. Before I knew it I had stepped out of the car and walked over to him. "Cc? ......" He didn't even wait for me to respond, he embraced me. His big strong arms swallowed me and for a moment I lost myself in him. His smell, his warm breath on my neck. His hands grasping the small of my back. For that moment I felt completely safe. Like everything was right again. Then I had the feeling I was being watched. A bad feeling in my gut. I pulled away from Rico and looked over the crowd. Maybe eight or ten people remained. I turned back to Rico. " What are you doing here?" I ask him.  "I saw on the news that jackson was missing, I thought I could help....." He answered. "I cant find Val, she's out looking for him, her phone is dead...." I looked down at the ground as reality began to set in all over again. Meanwhile,  I also knew if Jamaal found out I was anywhere near Rico he would kill me. "What can I do to help? Anything you need me to do I'll do it." He grabbed my hand. Why did my heart flutter everytime this man touched me? Why was he gazing into my eyes and shit? Before I knew it I was leading him back to my car. We both got inside and for a minute we just sat there, quiet, holding hands. " Rico ......I'm glad you came to help but I have to be honest with you, I'm in a relationship." He exhaled then looked up at me. "I know......I spoke with your mom a few months ago. I know about jamaal, I dont give a fuck about that. I love you. You know I love you, I-" "Please dont." I let go of his hand. I knew I shouldnt get him in the middle of my shit. Who knew what Jamaal was capable of? I knew Rico wasn't nobody's bitch but I also knew that once shit got to a certain point neither party would back down. "Look, I know I fucked up. I know you was the best thing that ever happened to me......all the stupid shit i did, I dont have excuses all I have is me being a man. Me knowing I fucked up. I'm sorry, losing you was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. Since you left me ain't shit been the same no more...."  When he spoke those words to me I felt it in my soul. Like he really meant what he was saying. Like he really loved me. Other than cheating he had never hurt me. He was a good man and friend to me, at one point we were inseparable, and that was prior to us even dating. Man I never really got over him. Part of me always loved him and somehow I still allowed myself to fall in love with Jamaal. Shit how the fuck did you get here, nobody's supposed to be here......was I really sitting here in love with two men? And how the fuck are you in love with somebody thats done beat the shit outta you? Where the fuck they do that at?...."

Stay tuned for part 4 1/2😒😒

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