Forced Smile

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School ended as the students started heading home. Izuku waited a few minutes for everyone else to leave first, as he walked through the front doors he saw Uraraka waiting for him.

"Let's walk to the station together," Despite today's battle Uraraka was still her cheery self.

"No," Deku had enough of Uraraka always being around him.

"Why?" She was a bit surprised by his refusal, Izuku may seem distant at times but he never refused her company before.

"Your irritating, every day you smile as if nothing could go wrong. You always sound so cheerful and it pisses me off!"

Izuku noticed the cheerful girl suddenly lose her cheer. Her big eyes watered and her under lip quivered. That usual smile tried to stay but when it fell so did the tears.

"I thought we could be friends. Despite you acting a bit rough you looked like someone who could use a friend, just as I could."

"I've got nothing more to say." 

Uraraka watched as Deku walked onward toward the station. Wiping away her still flowing tears her body slowly makes its way to the station as well.

"Why Izuku? What caused you to be this way?"

On the way to the hideout, Izuku's mind was oddly distracted. He tried to focus on Todoroki and the dynamic between his family and his quirks, but his mind kept bouncing towards Uraraka. He couldn't figure out why he was even thinking about her, he could kill her without a second thought and has committed far worse atrocities than making a girl cry.

The next day as Izuku walks into class he noticed Uraraka glancing at him from her seat, but since she didn't approach he decided to ignore her. Instead, Izuku walks over to Todoroki.

"We need to have a private conversation."

"I have nothing I want to say to you."

"It honestly doesn't matter what you want. I have things to tell you and if you want others to hear about your family matters then feel free to stay sitting."

Glaring harshly at Izuku Todoroki gets up and walks out of the class. Izuku following behind is led to the staircase. 

"Do you want to give up your fire quirk? From how much you seem to hate my costume and how you never use your fire quirk I can only assume you and your father have issues. If that's the case I can remove your fire quirk and strengthen your ice quirk instead." 

This threw Todoroki off, he expected to be barraged with questions about his mother and have Izuku interfere with his personal life. Instead, Izuku offered something that quickly caught Todoroki's attention

"You can do it? How? Why?" Todoroki had so many questions now. The anger he felt dissipated with curiosity and confusion.

"The heat my quirk generates is only a by-product of the actual quirk, I don't want to discuss more on it. Consider it just owing me a favor, and having trusted friends at school could really help us both in upcoming events."

Todoroki considered the offer and slowly nodded. "Alright, rid me of my father's quirk"

"This may feel strange, don't pull away until I finish or it might mess up everything." 

Izuku placed his hands on Todorki's head and began to concentrate. His hands glowed white taking the fire and ice from Todoroki. All for One could merge quirks together and as such could split them apart, separating the ice quirk from the fire. Izuku put the ice quirk back into Todroki making sure it spread through his entire body and not just half. 


Todoroki could feel the chill running through both hands and legs as he felt a bit off. Felling liberated from his damn father's curse he actually smiled. "Thank you Izuku."

"We better head back to class," Izuku and Todorki barely made it back in time as Izuku grinned. Not only did he gain Todoroki as an ally but he also as his powerful fire quirk for himself.

The day was looking good but when lunch came Uraraka confronted Izuku in the cafeteria. Uraraka sits down across from Izuku as he just continued eating the prepared food.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday," Uraraka said, "I realize I don't know much about you and I guess I was being too pushy."

Izuku stopped for a second as his eyes quickly glanced around. The cafeteria was mostly full causing him to inwardly curse. He knew Uraraka wasn't a schemer so probably didn't know what she just caused. If Izuku were to cause her to cry now it would make a scene, making him the center of unwanted attention. 

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so harsh with what I said." he briefly wondered, if that bubbly personality was a ruse then she must be one of the craftiest people out there.

"I haven't given up on wanting to be friends though, I still want to get to know you better," Uraraka smiled as Izuku could only force a smile back.

A Quirk Through Time/Villain Swap AUWhere stories live. Discover now