30. Saying goodbye

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I took another sip out of my iced mocha, glancing at a sleeping Felix, Topaz, and winter opposite me. Having nothing to do in the empty cafe, I looked towards the window to see Star gazing at the sky once more, the look in her eyes obviously telling me that she was spacing out.

It was kind of unfair, honestly, for Star to be able to control most of the things that she wanted me to know off. As for myself, I couldn't control even the slightest bit of my privacy, allowing Star to see about anything about my past... or whatever I was thinking about if she wanted to. It was at times like this I wished I was able to peep into all areas of Star's mind, to be able to know what she was thinking about.

"What's up Star?" I finally asked. The Glowstaride turned around instantly, confusion evident on her face.


"I asked what's up. What are you thinking about?" I repeated my question.

"Nothing much." She replied, about to turn around once more.

"Come on Star, I'm sure it's more than that."

The little bird sighed. "Of course it is."

"So... what's on your mind?"

"It's hard to explain..." Star began, not taking her eyes away from the window. "I just... feel like meeting those legendary birds again you know?"

I nodded slightly. "Of course you do, they're your family."

"I guess..." Star muttered, going quiet once more.

With that, I took another sip of my mocha, looking back at the window to see two bird spiritmal flying nearer. Something about them seemed familiar somehow, making me wonder where I have last seen them.

Just then, I blinked, opening up my eyes to see that the two birds were gone. Could what I have seen earlier been a figment of my imagination?

"It wasn't an illusion, Ms Emily." A strange voice sounded behind me. I turned around to see the two birds perching on the long chair I was sitting on.

Seeing them in the cafe made my heart skip a beat. How in the world did they get in here?!

"Sorry for startling you, Ms Emily." The whitish bird with splashes of other colors spoke up. It seemed to be a male, according to its voice. "Me and my bonded here came back to thank you for what you have done earlier." He and the other bird bowed down.

"Wait a second, so you two are the Phoenixight and the Dawnmorix from earlier."

"Bingo!" The Dawnmorix answered.

"So you came back to thank me?" I asked, watching in confusion as the two Spiritmals nodded to each other before turning back to me.

"You see, it's not just that." The Phoenixight spoke up.

"We also came back for our little Nova..." he pointed a wing at Star.

"But seeing how happy she is with you, we would let you two make the decision on wether Nova should come with us." The Dawnmorix continued.

"Wait, you're telling me that my real name is Nova?" Star tilted her head to one side.

"Well, it was the name that we gave you as an egg..." the Dawnmorix answered.

"But... I don't remember anything about the two of you being my parents?"

The couple looked at their significant other once more.

"We're sorry about this, Nova, but we accidentally lost you trying to escape from poachers." The Phoenixight bowed his head guiltily.

"I guess it's ok." Star answered after a pause. "It was due to that I met Emily and got a chance to explore this planet."

The Dawnmorix tilted her head slightly. "And it's a good planet too, the best in this system."


The Dawnmorix nodded.

"Now, back to the topic. Do you want to stay here? Or come along with us back to space?"

"I... I don't know..." Star looked down at her feet. "I want to go back with you two... but Emily..."

My heart sank there and then as I pondered the decision on whether I should let Star go. I already knew the answer, but can't help but think that there was a better way.

Still, I knew that I'll do anything for Star.

"Go, Star. You're obviously keen." I finally forced the words out of my mouth. I knew that I was going to regret saying it. However, I knew that it had to be done.

"Are you sure Em? I can stay you know."

"I'm sure." I answered, trying not to tear up. "You should go with your parents... it should have been that way since the very start."

"If you're sure..." Star answered hesitantly.

"I'm sure. Go on Star, go home..."

"Ok, but I'm gonna miss you Em."

"You can come visit, it's not the end of the world." I replied, hoping that she would visit someday.

"When do we leave?" Star turned to her parents.

"Now actually." The Dawnmorix replied. "I hope that it isn't too soon?"

"It's fine." I answered.

"Bye Em!" Star waved a wing before taking off, following after her parents.

"Goodbye, Star." I replied, watching as the birds flew towards the wild blue yonder.

And with that, we sum up the first story in Spiritmal.

Well... besides a few extra paragraphs that I'll be posting as an epilogue due to the fact that I can't squeeze it in.

I'll see you in the last part!

Spiritmal, By The Light Of A StarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora