26. Picking up the pace

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So, I have to find the secret base in Windsteed City, rescue Star, and steal the dusk stone while running for my life. Sounds simple enough. I sigh slightly, focusing my sense of hearing on the rumbling of the moving train.

"Yea, totally simple." Star's sarcastic voice cut through my head, making me sigh once more. Of course it wouldn't be simple!

Still, there was nothing that I could do now besides wait for the train to arrive in Windsteed. Hopefully, I wouldn't let Professor Nightshade down...

It was then the train screeched to a halt, signifying our arrival in Windsteed.

I got out of the train, rushing in the direction of Star's ever increasing presence in my mind. I was getting excited at the prospect of meeting Star again. A proper face to face meeting that was, not one by mysterious mind reading powers. I could hear Felix asking me to slow down. However, I ignored him, blindly running towards the source of the presence.

I just wanted this to be over, to have Star by my side once more. This was especially since Team Alchama was literally going to end the world if I didn't rescue her on time.

Or at least, I think they wanted to end the world.

It was then I realized that I had went over the source of Star's presence, retracing my footsteps a little.

I seriously had to stop spacing out randomly.

I focused on the presence once more, letting it guide me to my destination. Star was close, I could feel it...

"Emily! Help!" A shrill cry erupted from the depths of my mind. Losing focus, I blanked out for a second, hearing the cry once more.

"Emily! They've got the stone! They're going to summon the Phoenixight any second now! I'll try to distract them, but you'll have to hurry up!"

I shook my confusion away, running faster towards the presence of Star. I had to hurry up. Soon enough, I found myself in front of a heavily guarded building.

Great, just great. Of course they would have some kind of security... how in the world have I forgotten that fact?

"I'm coming Star, hang on!" I finally replied, nudging the sleeping Winter on my shoulder awake.

"Hey Winter, would you mind helping me get rid of all the Team Alchama guards we pass by?"

"Sorry Emily but... I can't..." the wolfabeast lowered her head. "I... I may hate them... but I... I just can't..."

I sighed slightly, understanding where she was coming from. She had worked for Team Alchama, be it willingly or not. Being a wolfabeast, made it even harder than her. She couldn't just abandon them. It was just too soon.

"It's ok, I understand." I shook my head slightly. Great, now what?

"Wait up peasant! Geez... you run fast..." Felix came to a stop beside me. His eyes widened as he noticed the gigantic laboratory-like building a few meters away.

"So... what's the plan?" He asked, looking up at the gigantic building.

"I don't have one." I answered truthfully. "However, we have to hurry. Star claims that they are about to start the summoning process."

"Hmmm... I personally see no way in. Perhaps Topaz will be able to sneak in by turning into water and going up one of the pipes. However, I've no ideas for ourselves..."

I thought about his statement for a while, an idea surfacing in my mind.

"Pipes? Of course! We could enter through the air vents... or any other pipe that would be big enough for us to sneak in."

"It'll be too small for us." He insisted. "Besides, how are we going to get up there?" He pointed at the air vent high above our heads, proving his point.

"When there's a will, there's a way." I answered, walking to the side of the building and positioning myself closer to the nearest air vent. "Topaz, water gun! Winter, ice beam!" I commanded the Spiritmals.

"Do you seriously think that Topaz will obey you?" Felix questioned, greatly surprised when Topaz did indeed listen to my command.

"Topaz!" He grumbled.

"Sorry dude, I don't want the world to end." The lionblitz replied his trainer. I giggled slightly hearing his words, refusing to answer Felix's next question on what Topaz was saying.

"It's nothing important." I finally replied, commanding Winter to use a scratch attack to carve out steps in the newly-formed piece of ice.

"Ok... I guess that's one way to reach the air vent..." Felix remarked as I climbed the first few steps, careful not to slip off the ice.

Finally reaching the air vent, I pried the cover open. Climbing into the air vent. Winter was next, hoping into the air vent as well. I looked down to see Topaz climbing up the staircase, trying not to slip on the ice. Felix was still at the bottom, not moving an inch.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked him. "We have a Legendary to save."
Welp, I'll be getting more and more busy by the day.

Soon enough, even the weekly updates may no longer be weekly...

Anyways, I doubt I would be able to update next week on Friday due to reasons... that being said, I'll sill try to update over the weekend.

Till next time, stay peachy everyone!

Spiritmal, By The Light Of A Starحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن