Chapter Nine

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Back at the Mountains, Nathanael, Luther, Serina and Christian sat down and had some food before going to bed. They talked about Christian's future as a witch and as a vampyre. Christian did not only have to learn about his magick, but about fighting, and the history, hierarchy and religion – such as it was – of the vampyres.

"You could well become Master of Magick one day, Christian." Luther said proudly, taking a gulp of ale.

"If Zeroun ever actually dies." Nathanael said and the two older vampyres laughed. Christian noted that they had lost their regained youth from the hunt, both looked to be their normal selves once more.

"Why is that funny?" Christian asked, sheepishly. He now felt tiredness beneath his strength, and was very much looking forward to going to sleep.

"Because it is said that Zeroun is truly immortal. While he is openly looking for a way to make vampyres immortal, it is said that he has already found the way and has used it secretly. It is only a running joke though, nothing serious." Serina explained. "Well, we hope so." She laughed. Christian was glad to see that she was more relaxed again, but she still had an aloofness towards him that confused him.

"Ah, goodness, I'm not as young as I once was, time for bed I think. Serina, Christian, I hope you both sleep well. Let us keep your heritage to ourselves for now, hey?" Luther winked, standing up. "Nathanael, shall we talk about Christian's training regime tomorrow?"

"Of course. I am heading for bed too I think, do not stay up too late you young ones." And they walked off towards their rooms together muttering. " much energy, I do not know..." was all Christian caught.

"Christian, can we talk?" Serina turned to face me on the bench. Other than some older vampyre huddled in the corners, looking over maps, they were the only ones left in the dining hall. Many vampyres came and went as they pleased, not conforming to a general time of waking and sleeping, day and night, as in human society.

"Um...yeah, of course, what about?"

"I think you know what about..." she looked at me seriously. We sat in silence for a few moments until Serina broke it again. "Look, I do not know you very well, but I really do have this pull towards you, which I cannot explain. The fact that a relationship between us seems destined to happen-"

"Well, it's up to you...if you don't want it to..." Christian interrupted.

"No, it is not quite that. I just wanted to say that I am not sure what is happening, or why. I...I think we should get to know one another better. Not romantically at the moment – I am not ready for that just yet – but..." She smiled in a way that Christian took to be her asking if it was all right, and he could not help smiling back. She was very beautiful and he liked the idea of them getting to know each other better.

"I do agree. Besides the old ones seem to like the idea." They both laughed. Christian sobered and looked down, not sure how his next words would be recieved. "I've never had a relationship before and I don't want to rush into anything either of us may regret." He looked up at her, trying to gauge her reaction. She looked shocked, but as though she was trying to hide it.

"" She smiled awkwardly. "Good." She replied. Again, they sat in silence for a few moments. "Well, sleep well Christian, we have a big day in the library tomorrow, and who knows what Nathanael will put you up to!" She said quickly. Christian felt as though he had insulted her again, but thought better of saying anything.

"No, you're right. I'd better head to bed too." She got up and walked away, "Oh, Serina, where do I sleep?" Christian asked, remembering that he had been merely thrown into a room the night before.

[Draft 1] Vampyre Necromancer (CoU: Vampyre War Trilogy: Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon