Chapter Three

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When Christian awoke, he found his curtains framed with light, as though they hid Heaven itself behind them. Christian thought bitterly to himself, I will never see Heaven, I will never die. Even if he did, he did not think Heaven was where he was headed. He savoured the moment of pleasure that the view gave him, before seeing his mother and his betrothed, Katherine, sitting on the other side of the room.

Katherine's mother, Lady Anita Morrison, and Christian's mother were stepsisters; Margaret's father had married Anita's mother after Margaret's mother died. The two women had promised Christian and Katherine to each other. Christian could not remember a time when either he or Katherine had shown each other any signs that they were in love, although, they obviously felt the love of brother and sister for one another. They had long since agreed that they would marry and rule Vidarearon Miroslav in a happy life together. However, now Christian could not help thinking how hazy that future seemed. Christian looked once more at Katherine's profile before he turned to his mother.

"Mother..." he croaked; his mouth was parched.

"Oh, Christian!" Margaret came to his bedside. She wiped his forehead with a damp towel before handing him a mug of water. "How do you feel? Are you all right?"

Christian looked up at his mother. The queen had light brown, wavy hair. She often had it held back in a tight bun, in a vain attempt to tame it. Her light brown eyes were crowned by neatly trimmed eyebrows. The skin under her eyes seemed darker today, as though she had not slept. Her small, oval face was lined with few wrinkles, but those that were there came from years of laughter and smiling. Her lips were full and accentuated her beauty. Her nose was small and turned up slightly at the tip. Looking in a mirror, Christian could see none of her features in his own, apart from her nose.

"I..." Christian began coughing and Margaret held the cup to his mouth once more.

"What happened?" Katherine asked, her hazel eyes angry and fearful. "James and Brock brought you here yesterday morning and you would not wake! No one remembers what happened the other night..."

"Or, they will not say." Margaret interrupted with a reproachful look towards her son. "What were you doing in the old church, Christian? Drinking?"

"Are they all right? Is everyone all right?" Worried, the young prince ignored her question.

Margaret's face softened at his concern. "They are well. Joshua and James have returned home. They both asked me to give you their best wishes. Now...what were you all doing?" She grew stern once more.

"I...we..." Christian stammered under her gaze.

"Yes?" She raised her eyebrow in question; a slight smirk played at the corner of her mouth, shedding years from her face – not that she needed it.

"We were celebrating, Mother." Christian paused to take a few deep breaths, finding it hard to breathe and talk. "It was my eighteenth birthday!"

"Yes, and now you are a man, Christian. You need to accept some responsibility for your future. It is high time you returned to your weapons training. And, Christian? It is time to set a date." He saw how his mother looked pointedly at Katherine, and the wary look Katherine gave to him. Now, that you are awake, we can put all this nonsense behind us. Katherine, please leave us. Christian, we need to talk." Margaret looked steadily at her son.

Katherine curtsied to her queen and left quickly, obviously relieved. As she shut the door behind her, Christian saw her give him a sympathetic smile.

Christian sat up slowly; the blood seemed to rush from his head and he felt faint. However, no one can ignore Queen Margaret's orders. So, he flung his blankets aside and proceeded to get out of bed. Feeling unbalanced, he grabbed at his bedside table to steady himself.

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