Chapter Nine

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I woke on Saturday with a pounding head and super tired feet. But, I smiled at the memories of the night before.

Mary and I had promised to meet the boys for a late breakfast that Max assured us would win over any hangover. I wasn't entirely convinced, but I was willing to give it a go.

I got dressed, forgoing the baggy jumper for jeans and a normal hoodie. I picked up my jacket before I walked out to the living room and found Mary sitting with her head in her hands and the strong aroma of coffee wafting about.

"Good to see I'm not the only one suffering," I laughed, taking a sip of her coffee and wincing at the amount of sugar she'd put in it.

Mary laughed. "Yeah, I am so tempted to pull out of tonight."

"I'm sure we could?"

She shook her head and finished her coffee. "Or, I could not give you any excuses to pull out of things and just not drink so much tonight." She finally looked at me. "Hey, you're wearing normal human clothes."

"My jumpers aren't exactly abnormal human clothes..."

She grinned and got up, picking up her own jacket. "No, true. Come on, if we don't get moving, we'll never hear the end about how we got there late."

I snorted and we headed out.

The grounds were amazing at this time of year. Well, I actually imagined the grounds would be amazing all year round, but I was glad I came for the winter/spring semester. Students were involved in their various disciplines all around the campus; musicians played, dancers danced, artists did their thing in various mediums, and you could pick the creative writing kids from miles away given they always sat and were the quietest of everyone.

Mary somehow cajoled me into dancing a bit with her as we walked down the path. Suddenly, we were ripped apart as Max grabbed me and Landon grabbed Mary and swung us around in a jig of some kind. As I laughed, they swung us back towards each other and swapped partners.

"Hi," I laughed at Landon.

"Good afternoon," he replied, his brown eyes twinkling. "How are you?"

"In danger of throwing up on you if you keep this up." I smiled and he brought us to an abrupt halt.

"Well, I am having none of that." He offered me his elbow and I took it as we watched Mary and Max cavort around us, laughing.

"Shame, vomit green would go so nicely with your eyes," I said with a smirk.

He laughed. "That's certainly not something I've been told before."

"No, I imagine, as far as compliments go you're more used to single syllables and the occasional, exaggerated moan," I giggled.

He stopped walking, forcing me to halt, and looked at me in humoured shock. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Kira?"

I smiled and pulled him along. "This? This is the real me, Bass. Don't tell me you don't like it."

He shook his head as we followed Max and Mary into the café. "Yeah, can't do that, K."

"Can't do what?" Max asked quickly.

Was that a note of jealousy I heard in his voice? God, part of me hoped so.

Landon laughed easily. "Can't tell Kira this side of her isn't amusing."

Max's eyes narrowed like he was trying to work something out. "What side?"

"The vulgar one," Mary answered with a knowing grin.

the Dancing one | O4E 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant