Chapter One

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The class cheered as we came towards the end of our routine and I caught Mary's eye with a wide smile. Carmen was up front as usual, the front woman for our little squad. I could see Miss Kelly smiling at me and I threw her a wink as we twirled around, the sharp taps of our shoes as they beat out Katy Perry's 'Firework' in almost perfect sync.

We came to the end, the five of us breathing heavily and laughing with pride.

The class cheered again and Miss Kelly stood.

"Girls, fantastic as always," she said, beaming.

We plonked down on the floor with the rest of the class as another group got up. People threw smiles and kind words to Carmen and Laura, patted Mary and Anita on the back, and largely ignored me. But, I was used to it, people not seeing me. Sometimes it was like Mary was the only one who saw me. Well, and Miss Kelly, who was still beaming as she watched the current group dancing.

"It was perfect, Kira," Mary whispered in my ear, nudging my shoulder, and I smiled at her.

"Nice work, K." Carmen held her fist out for a fist bump and I met it with a grin.

"Thanks," I answered.

Carmen wasn't a bad person, but she got caught up in excitement sometimes and it made her come across arrogant and ungrateful. But, I didn't mind. I could have put myself out there, I could have not hidden behind my fringe, thick glasses, and baggy jumpers. But, I did and I was happy. Carmen could have the spotlight, I just enjoyed being involved.

The music ended and I clapped politely, feeling a little guilty I hadn't been paying much attention. Mary sniggered and I knew she knew my brain had wandered off. I couldn't help it; my brain lived firmly in the clouds and I only came down long enough to move my body to a piece of music.

Miss Kelly stood up, looking around at everyone. "Right, now, as you are all well aware," she grinned ruefully, "we have five students leaving us for the Semester programme on Saturday. I hope I don't have to remind you to pack now, that all of you have everything packed and ready to go. I'm looking at you Laura!" She pointed and the class laughed.

Anita put her hand up and Miss Kelly swung her arm in her direction. "My mum wanted to know if we can get our packages?"

Miss Kelly shook her head. "Nope, I'll pass them out at the airport. I am not having you leave anything behind. Make sure you leave space and weight in your luggage for them." She looked around at us all seriously before breaking out in a smile. "Remember this is an important program, ladies. The school is looking to you to make this look good. This opportunity is once in a lifetime, and I don't have to remind you what's at stake for one very lucky girl and boy."

She looked at me, her bright brown eyes boring into mine with a message. I smiled, but I knew I wasn't going to win. After a semester of an intensive study program with a small university in England, one girl and one boy from each artistic discipline would win a scholarship to join the university in the next semester. Kids from all over the world were going. The competition was high and I was under no delusion that I was even a contender; I was just excited to be given the chance to study there for a whole semester.

The lesson was over for another week, but Miss Kelly clapped her hands. We all stopped to look at her in varying states of getting off the floor.

"I will see four of you at the airport on Saturday morning, no later than ten am, girls!" she called as a few of my classmates started jostling each other at the thought we were going away with a bunch of boys. "And, some semblance of dignity would be stellar. We are respectable young women, not flighty wisps."

Carmen giggled with a friend and I saw Anita shake Laura's arm excitedly. Even Mary nudged me and I couldn't help but smile at her. The whole idea of the trip was exciting, but I had more on my mind than the fact we were going to be in close quarters with boys after thirteen years at an all girl's school. I was going for the dance, not for the grand international romance that was on my friends' minds.

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