Chapter Ten-Mikey

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Gerard's POV

I just whisper his name in disbelief. But then I say it again, louder this time, while coming out of our hiding spot. My brother is here. He actually found me.


Wow it's been a while since I've been called that. My brother and I hug, oh how I've missed him. He starts talking to me in our native language, asking about what happened.

I tell him about the delivery and the crash. How I landed here and found Jenna and that she's been taking care of me. That I discovered this amazing thing called love. That we're dating and chose to be with each other, not assigned like back on our planet.

As I'm talking, M-1-K-3-Y raises his arm and pushes me to the side. He swiftly takes out his red ray gun, and I follow where it's pointing to the tree Jenna and I were hiding behind.

"M-1-K-3-Y! Don't shoot her! That's Jenna, my girlfriend. I love her."

My brother looks back at me and lowers his ray gun. Jenna comes out and scurries over to hide behind me. I turn and hug her, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Don't worry Jenna, he won't hurt you. I promise."

She nods and holds me tight.

I look back at M-1-K-3-Y, who is just awkwardly standing there. Then I get an idea for how it could be easier for Jenna to say his name.

"Jenna, you know how you took G-3-R-4-R-5 and made it into Gerard? I think I can do the same for M-1-K-3-Y. It can be Mikey. Right?"

"Oh uh yeah. Mikey works."

The newly named Mikey comes over to us and I tell him what we just said. He nods.

"Looks like I'm Mikey now. It is a pleasure to meet you Jenna."

He holds out his hand, so Jenna removes herself from my grasp and shakes it. When she puts her arm back down, I wrap my arm around her waist. We start talking in our language again, this time Mikey explains how he found me.


The two of us stop our conversation and look down at Jenna. Then Mikey responds.

"Yes Jenna? What is it?"

She gulps.

"If you're here, does that mean you're taking Gerard back to planet Zero Zero?"

Mikey looks from Jenna to me and nods. My girlfriend collapses to the ground, sobs escaping her body. I sit on the ground next to her, and pull her onto my lap. Jenna wraps her arms around my neck and holds me as tight as she can without choking me. God. I don't wanna leave her. But I know that I have to. I just hate seeing her like this though.

"N-no! Y-you can't leave m-me! Y-you just g-got here! D-don't leave m-me alone! Y-you c-can't! Y-you can't."

I rock us while stroking her hair and kissing her forehead every few seconds.

"I'll always be here for you baby, whether physically or just in your heart. I love you so much. I don't want to leave you, I really don't. But you know I have to go back to my own world, my own planet."

My life finally had meaning once I met her. I wasn't going through things aimlessly anymore. But I have to get back. If my planet finds out I had a chance to come back and I didn't take it, they'll forcefully take me. And there's no telling what punishment I'll get.

"I-I know. I-I'm s-sorry. I just love you so much. I'm in love with you Gerard."

"I'm in love with you too Jenna."

I lean down and kiss her. This is unlike all of our other kisses. This one is incredibly deep, passionate, and powerful even. It makes me want even more. But Mikey is right there. So we leave it at that and break apart.

"Gerard, can you stay at least one more night? Please, I'm begging you."

She looks at me with pleading eyes, which makes me turn my head back to my brother. We both nod, our unspoken way of saying I'm staying one more night and that it's okay for me to do so. I turn back to Jenna.

"Yes, of course my love."

We get off of the ground, and I clean up our picnic area. Once I finish, I interlock our fingers. We start to travel down the path, but Jenna stops.

"Gerard, what about your brother?"

"He's going to spend the night in his ship. He doesn't really trust Earth."

She nods and we continue down the trail. When we reach my car, I put the basket in the back and we get in. We ride in silence to the house. The entire time, my mind is racing with thoughts. All about Jenna, of course.

We arrive at the house all too soon, and Jenna turns off the ignition. The two of us just sit there, not moving. After a few minutes, I take Jenna's hand in mine. She looks at me, where there are tears are streaming down my face. My heart hurts so much right now. I don't want to leave. I don't want to lose her. When Jenna speaks, I can tell it's hard for her to do anything above a whisper.

"Let's go inside."

I nod, so we both undo our seatbelts and head inside together. The picnic basket is no where near our thoughts, so it's left behind.

When we go inside, Hayley and Jerome are no where to be seen. Neither is Lola. Jenna calls out to her though, probably to tell her the news.

Cat form Lola appears from the kitchen, looking very curious.

"Lola, come sit on the couch. Gerard as something to tell you."

She transforms and does what Jenna told her. I start to speak, but Jenna runs out of the room and into our bedroom before I can say anything. I guess she couldn't handle hearing the news again.

I tell Lola what happened and how we have to go back. Tear actually slip out of her eyes. I know she's grown to love this place just as much as I have. We hug it out, then I tell her I have to go check on Jenna.

I enter the room and see Jenna laying on the bed, crying. I lay down next to her and put my hand on her back to comfort her.

"Jenna, I know how hard this is. I hate it too. I really do, but we-"

I'm cut off by Jenna's lips attaching themselves to mine. I can't help but melt into the kiss, holding her cheek in my hand.

We spend only a few minutes kissing, then Jenna takes off my jacket. I pull away and look her in the eye.

"Do you want to do this? I know I need to ask permission."

She smiles. I know that was the right thing to ask. She pulls on my tie and bring my lips to hers once again, then whispers against mine.


I remember being so mad at myself for this chapter. Like why tf couldn't I just make them have a happy life? Curse my 10th grade self for planning the entire book so early and I didn't want to change it. Oh well ig, see you next time!

Hesitant Juarez (BOOK 1 1/2) (GERARDS VERSION OF HESITANT ALIEN)Where stories live. Discover now