Chapter Six-Exploring

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Gerard's POV

I wake up in the early the next day, still in Jenna's bed. The only difference now is there's someone else in the bed. Jenna. I feel my heart beat speed up once again. Why does it do this when she's near me? Weird.

A cool breeze blows into the room, giving me chills. I look and see that the window is open. I would get up to close it, but I don't want to risk waking Jenna. So I do the only other logical thing: wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in close. Body heat helps keep you warm, right?

About an hour later, I feel Jenna wake up. I don't say anything though. I see her look down, probably at my arms, then she turns to face me. She looks surprised, so I guess she probably thought that I was still asleep.

"Hi Jenna! Did you sleep well?"

All she does is bury her head into my chest and groan. I chuckle at this.

"I'll take that as a no?"

She shakes her head.


She shakes her head again.

"Are you just too tired to be up and wanna go back to sleep?"

This time, she nods and snuggles closer into me. It feels nice, but then she suddenly sits up and jumps out of bed.

I look up at her, feeling sad she left.

"Why did you get up so fast? Did I do something wrong?"

She looks at the clock that's on her nightstand, then back to me.

"No! Of course not! I just have to get ready for class."

A bright smile forms on my face.

"Oh okay! Thank goodness! I thought I did something bad."

She smiles and shakes her head lightly.

"No of course not. Now I have to get dress and stuff. I'll be back."

She grabs some clothes and brings them into the bathroom. While she gets ready, I decide to make breakfast again. I remember seeing that French Toast was similar to pancakes, so I get out the ingredients for it. I start making them, and soon enough, Jenna comes out.

She hops onto the counter right next to me, swinging her legs a little bit. They brush my thigh a few times, and I can see her cheeks turn pink. I wonder what that means.

"So Gerard, what are you making for us this fine morning?"

"French Toast! I saw that it's really good and kind of like pancakes, so I wanted to try them out. They'll be done in about ten minutes."

She just nods at me, and stares at me. I kind of like the way she's looking at me. It makes me feel fuzzy on the inside.

"Done! Can you please get me a plate to place all the French Toast on?"

She jumps off the counter and grabs  five plates from the cabinet and places one on the counter next to me. I place eight French Toast onto the plate, while Jenna sets the table with the other plates and utensils that she grabbed.

Hesitant Juarez (BOOK 1 1/2) (GERARDS VERSION OF HESITANT ALIEN)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt