Chapter Five-Reboot

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Gerard's POV

I wake up alone on the couch. I guess Jenna had to go to that class thing. I'm pretty sure it's called that. I sit up, not too sure what to do. Eat breakfast I guess? Yeah that sounds good.

I stand up and get a feeling. A feeling that every Juarez gets every thirty days. Reboot day. I hate this day. All you basically do is sleep, and the body goes through whatever changes and improvements it needs. And while that happens, the Juarez goes into a dream like state. It lasts about twenty four hours, so you want to be out of the way of others.

I go into Jenna's room and lay down on her bed, underneath the blanket. I hope she won't mind. But now, it's time to reboot.

I open my "eyes" (not really though, since I'm still "asleep") and see that I'm back home. As in Zero Zero. While in reboot, we know that things aren't real, but they feel extremely real that sometimes we forget it's fake. So I actually get a little disappointed thinking that I'm back on Zero Zero. Because Jenna isn't here.

"Hey G-3-R-4-R-5!"

I look at my door of my bedroom. I am currently laying on my bed, I guess I just got "up."

"Hey 5-R-4-N-7!"

You're supposed to just go along with it, or else it can stall reboot. Don't ask me why, I have no clue.

"We're all going to go out, want to come?"

I nod my head at him.

"Okay I'll be out in a bit."

I get out of my bed and go over to my closet where I keep my clothes. My room isn't all that different than an Earthling's room.

I take out a red shirt and blue pants. Every Juarez is assigned two colors. Mine are red and blue, like the suit I was wearing when I first met Jenna.

Oh Jenna, I wonder if she's going to be here. Maybe later on in my reboot dream. For now, let me focus on my friends and brother.

I exit my room and head to the common room. There I see my brother and two friends. They wave to me, then stand up.

"You ready for today?"

I look at R-4-Y confused.

"What's today?"

"Only the day that every Juarez looks forward to!"

I rack my brain with what this could be. Then I remember. Oh great.

"Assignment day. Right?"

The three of them nod at me. Before I know it, I'm sitting in a seat at the assignment building. I almost forgot we just jump from place to place in these dreams. It gets annoying after a while.


I look up and see a man beckoning me. Looks like I'm up first. I leave my brother and friends and follow the guy. I'm brought to a room and put inside. There's a table with two chairs across from each other. I sit down on one, waiting for them to bring the other person who is assigned to me.

See, there's really no such thing as love here on Zero Zero. People are just assigned to each other. You might get lucky, and you and your assignment get along.

My and M-1-K-3-Y's parents didn't get along too well, they more like tolerated each other. 5-R-4-N-7's hated each other, while R-4-Y's were like best friends. The assignments come from an algorithm that shows who would create the best kid(s).

"Your assignment is here."

I don't look up, because I know I'll just be disappointed. There's only one person who I want to be sitting across from me, but she's on Earth.

"Hey Gerard."

My head perks up, and I make eye contact with Jenna. Why is she here? Wait, this is just in my dream, anything can happen.

"Hi Jenna."

She reaches across the table and grabs on to my hand. My heart races and I feel a tingle where her skin touches mine. It spreads all the way to my stomach. I'm just sure how to describe this feeling, so I try and think back on all the things I saw on the internet.

Are these butterflies? In my stomach? That must mean that I feel something for Jenna. At least according to many internet things.

"Aren't you glad we got assigned to each other! Now we can spend even more time together! I missed you when you left Earth. But now I'm on Zero Zero with you!"

I can't help but smile. The thought of being with Jenna all the time makes those butterfly things go crazy.

"Yes, I'm extremely happy that we got assigned to each other Jenna. I've missed you as well."

She stands up, still holding onto my hand. I stand as well, wondering what she's doing.

"C'mon, let's go home."

We walk through the door, but it doesn't lead to a hallway like it did before. It leads to a room in a house. Our house I assume?

Jenna releases my hand and goes through a door. While I looking around the room (which looks a lot like her home on Earth), she peeks her head back through the door.

"I'm almost done with breakfast, are you hungry?"

I nod my head, then follow her to the kitchen. Before I even enter the room, I can smell something familiar. When I enter, I see a pile of bacon on the kitchen table, and Jenna is putting the last pancake on a plate. It reminds me of my first morning at her house.

"Come and sit down, before it gets cold."

I sit down across from Jenna, but notice two more plates next to us.

"Are Hayley and Jerome here?"

Jenna just laughs and shakes her head. Suddenly, I hear running, then two tiny people enter the room. Wait, they're not tiny, they're just children. An older boy and a younger girl.

"Kids, come and sit down with me and your father. Or else we'll eat your delicious pancakes."

They do as she says, and sit down in the chairs next to us, while I just stare at them. I'm a father? To these two beautiful children?

"What's the matter Gerard?"

My eyes dart over to Jenna, who is looking at me with concern. I smile and shake my head.

"Nothing is wrong. Everything is absolutely perfect."

Awh this was cute. I guess. Also college is stressful and time consuming. Thank you and goodnight. See you next time!

Hesitant Juarez (BOOK 1 1/2) (GERARDS VERSION OF HESITANT ALIEN)Where stories live. Discover now