Chapter Four-Mall

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Gerard's POV

"Hey guys I'm home!"

Jenna walks inside after she gets back from her job. But I'm the only person around to greet her.

"Hey Jenna, how was work?"

She places her things on the floor and sits next to me on the couch. My heart starts beating fast at her close presence, and I'm not sure why. Oh well.

"Boring as hell, but now I get to take you to the mall. But first let's change you out of this suit, it reeks."

Jenna takes my hand, and brings me into the place where I always see Hayley and Jerome go to. I'm guessing it's their room.

She goes to different places around the room and grab clothes. Then she hands it to me and says to put them on. I look at them and see two pairs of pants. What?

"Why do I have two pairs of pants?"

She looks at me with an expression that I can't read. Looks like I still need to learn some things.

"The short pant like things are called boxers or underwear. You wear them underneath your pants."

"But why?"

She thinks for a moment, then shrugs.

"I have no clue but all humans do it. Now go change."

I go into the bathroom that is connected to this room to put on the clothes. Those 'boxer' things are kind of uncomfortable underneath my pants, but everything else seems okay. I exit the bathroom, and when Jenna sees me, she just stares.

"Uhm Jenna? Are you okay? Did I put something on wrong?"

She shakes her head and meets my eyes.

"Y-yes. Wait! No! I mean no. You look fine. You look perfect."

Jenna's cheeks turn pink as the words leave her mouth. I scratch the back of my head and smile. I like that she called me perfect. It makes me happy.

"Thanks Jenna, you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am. Let me just grab my wallet."

We walk out of the room and Jenna grabs her things from the floor. Then we head out to the car and get in. She puts something across her chest, and I look at her confused once again. She tells me that it's called a seatbelt and we have to wear it to be safe. Jenna helps me put it on, then starts driving.

When we pull up to the 'mall', I look at it in awe.

"So this is just a place where you can hang out and buy things?"

Jenna turns the car off and looks at me.

"Yeah, I love this place, all my favorite stores are here. Now let's go."

We both get out of the car and walk into the large building. Wow, this place is massive.

"C'mon. I want to show you my favorite store."

I'm dragged to a place that says 'Hot Topic' above the entrance. We enter, and Jenna sighs, but it sounds happy. And that makes me happy that she's happy. I'm not sure why though.

"This is my second home. C'mon I'll show you around."

I nod and follow Jenna around the store. As we're walking, I pick up a few shirts. She gives me a surprise look, but I just shrugs.

Hesitant Juarez (BOOK 1 1/2) (GERARDS VERSION OF HESITANT ALIEN)Where stories live. Discover now