Chapter 6

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*Bakugou POV*

Shitty hair has been acting better recently, I don’t know whether to question this or accept that he’s truly okay. He seems better, he’s been talking to me more, even though he still talks to that damn nerd, Deku, more than me. Earlier he asked me to help him study for an upcoming test, he hasn’t asked for awhile, so I thought maybe I could ask him about this sudden change in his attitude, it was weird how he went from cheery and quirky to clearly depressed then back to cheery again. There has to be something wrong.

After class we walked back to the dorms together, “hey before I head over to your dorm, I’ve got to tell Mina and Midoriya something.” “Alright, I don’t care,” “cool, thanks man,” he speeds up and practically runs to the dorm building, he runs inside and does who knows what. I walk in and he’s already chatting with Pinky and Deku, like he said he would.

I walk to my dorm and set up two textbooks and a couple a chairs at my desk, since it would be easier to study at my desk rather then on the floor. I change out of the uniform that we have to wear, and wait by sitting on my phone.

*Kirishima POV*

“Can you two handle that by yourself?” They nod, Mina with more determination than Midoriya. “You can count on us Kiri! Now go to Bakugou, I’m sure he’s waiting on you~” Mina says, I just laugh and respond “alright.” I head up to the forth floor, where both Bakugou’s and my dorms were. I head in to my room to quickly get out of uniform and grab my bag that has my school books in it, then I head to Bakugou’s dorm.

I knock on the door, and hear shuffling then footsteps coming towards the door. The door swing open, and I hear a grunt of “come in,” I walk into his dorm, I’ve only been in Bakugou’s room a few times, usually it would be when I asked for help with studies.


“No, it says that y(0) is equal to 6, now what that means is you need to-“ 

We’ve been working for an hour now, and I can barely get him through the first few problems. He seriously needs my help, he can’t remember what we learned just last week, although I can’t blame him, it was a complex lesson. Maybe there’s a lot on his mind too, it has been an interesting few weeks, with him going from pretty upset and gloomy to back to his usual self, it’s been weird for all of us.

After another thirty minutes, he asks, “can we take a ten minute break?” “Sure, whatever,” he immediately leans backwards and lays down on the floor, “thanks, dude.” He lays there for a bit before siting up and saying, “can I ask you a serious question?” He was looking down and seemed serious, very serious. “Okay,” he takes deep breath in before he asks “what would you do if I was never here?”

This took me by surprise, he usually doesn’t ask me this kind of question, even when he says it’s serious. “What do you mean by that,” “I mean what would you do if I never went to this school, would you not care, would you just live life as you say you’re going to, be the number one hero, and everyone is just a stepping stone to your victory. Do you even want me as a friend? I just seem like a bother to you, always asking for your help, because I’m to much of an idiot to know, I’ll always be behind everyone, behind you and Mina, and Kaminari, and Sero, I don’t get why you still want to be around me even after all of that.”

He still thinks he’s not good enough to be a hero, he still thinks he’s behind everyone in the class. “Like hell you’re lacking the strength, if anything people need to learn how to catch up to you, dumbass. Even I have a hard time keeping up with your positivity and strength, and don’t think I wouldn’t think of you as anything less than an equal, even people as dumb as pikachu knows that I think that you are good enough for someone like me to think that. Don’t forget what I’ve told you either, you were my unbreakable horse during the cavalry battle, you’re still the unbreakable Red Riot, aren’t you? You keep standing, that makes you strong, that makes you a hero.”

“Don’t think any different from that, got it, idiot?” He looks at me for a moment, “…got it,” he smiles and says, “right let’s continue!” We continue studying for a while.

*After a few days*

*Bakugou POV*

Today’s Monday afternoon, we’re about to head back to the dorms when Aizawa-Sensei announces, “before we leave, I have to inform you that we are going on a trip next week, we’ll leave Friday and arrive there on Saturday, it will be a quirk training exercise for the first week, then the last two days will be resting days that we are required to give you, that’s all, you can leave now.”

We’re going on a trip for quirk exercise, it’ll be fun to kick everyone’s asses, again. That’ll be fun, I’ve always loved working to make my quirk stronger, that’ll just make me a better hero. I look over at shitty hair, he was talking to pikachu, pinky, and soy sauce, he seems happy. “Hey Kacchan?” Deku says behind me, “what do you want you damn nerd,” he flinches then says, “can you, um, meet m-me behind the dorms, today,” I glare at him, “why?”

“Well, me and Kirishima-Kun, w-we need to all talk, at least that’s what Kirishima said…” “tch, whatever, I’ll meet you two then,” “oh, at a-about 5:30,” “okay.” I get up and walk out after I pack up my stuff. Kirishima gets up and follows me with his own things, “hey did Midoriya ask you?” “To meet you both behind the dorms, yeah. My question is why couldn’t you ask yourself,” “well when I told him, he said he wanted to do it, I don’t remember why though,” “whatever.”

We walk back to the dorms, I walk up to my dorm, sort of wondering why they wanted to talk to me, but honestly, I was too tired to care too much. I walk up to my dresser and change my clothes. After I change, I lay down on my bed and set an alarm for 5:00.

*Kirishima POV*

Me and Midoriya were siting on the couch in the common room, “do you think he’ll come?” “Hopefully, Kacchan is usually either early or on time, so if he’s late then he’s probably not coming. Are you sure you want me coming, this does seem kind of personal,” “It’s fine Midoriya, I just need someone there for moral support, plus you can leave whenever you want, especially if it gets too personal.” “Well, alright, how about I leave whenever you tell him? So that way Kacchan doesn’t feel too uncomfortable and you can just tell me his answer when you get back, if you want to of course,” “sounds good, thanks.”

I look at the clock, it’s 5:20, “hey, we should go ahead and head behind the dorm, since you did say Bakugou likes to be early,” “okay,” we get up and chat on the way behind the 1a dorm building, once we are there, I start to get nervous and become quiet, “hey Kirishima, it’s fine, I’m sure he’ll say he feels the same,” “what was it like when you confessed to Todoroki?”

Midoriya laughs a bit, “he was super shocked, it took a lot to confess to him, but he accepted almost immediately, look it’s going to be fine, okay? There’s nothing you should worry about,” I take a deep breath in and look at the time, it’s 5:28. Bakugou turns the corner and I tense up a bit, Midoriya’s phone buzzes he looks at it just as Bakugou steps up to us. “Sorry you two, I have to go Todo needs me,” he waves and walks away.

“Okay so are you going to talk or not?” “OH! Yeah, um s-sorry well, um…” I take a deep breath in.

“You are really kind and sincere around me, you consider me an equal, you always try to make me feel better about myself when I’m feeling down or looking down in myself, you’ve always been there for me when I need you to be. I’ve tried to be as manly and as brave as you are, you may not be the nicest person, but you’re strong and you never underestimate anyone, whether it be allies or enemies. I know I haven’t been the best friend as I should’ve been, like you have, I’ve tried to be there for you, I’ve tried to be there when you’re in trouble, when you’re down, when you need someone by your side, even when you didn’t want it.”

“What I’m trying to say is that I really like you, more than I should. You may not feel the same way about me as I do you, but I felt like I should tell you, I would regret not telling you, and being manly is about living without regrets, yeah?”

“Kirishima… I…”

1580 words

Sorry about the cliffhanger, I'm getting ready to prepare for the next few parts of the story, writing sucks when you don't know what you need to write about.

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