Chapter 1

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*Kirishima POV*


It's so loud, so ear breaking. Like they were slow and painfully dying.

In front of me.

"Help me, you bastard!" He yells at me begging. I can't move, my body won't let me move. All I can do is watch. He's dying in front of me and I can't do a thing about it.

Then all of a sudden my legs move to him, it's too late. He lays there, motionless. I run to him as he lies there, doing nothin. "B-Bakugou? I-I'm sorry."

I'm no hero, I'm no man. I couldn't even save my friend, in real danger.

It's my fault, it's my fault,It's my fault, it's my fault,It's my fault, it's my fault


My eyes shoot open, I'm breathing hard. "Crap, what was that dream," I say as the tears drip down my face, unknowingly. "What time even is it," I'm so tired, I've never had a dream like that before. I turn to see that it is 3:53 am, I need a drink. I get up out of my bed and head towards the common room, of course there is no one there, I then head into the kitchen and grab a glass and fill it with water.

I drink it, then set the drink down. I need to clear my head, but I can't stop thinking about that dream. Without even realizing it until now I had tears running down my face, there were more than before. "Kirishima, are you okay." I turn my head quickly to see who it was.

"M-Midoriya, yeah I'm f-fine." "Are you sure? You look tired and really upset, I want to help, you know?" He responds with concern, "well, it's just a dumb nightmare, I'll get over by the morning," he walks up to me "maybe talk about it, it will help you out- at least that's what I think."

I tell him that about the dream I had, how scared I was, how Bakugou- he. I was a crying mess while talking, but he was patient and comforted me. "If it helps, you can talk to me any time, I won't tell anyone and I'll even stop whatever it is I'm doing, okay?" I nod, "th-thanks, Midoriya" "anytime."

I walk back up to my room, saying goodnight to Midoriya. Apparently he was getting up because he heard a noise from in the common room and went to check it out- but I never noticed anything like that. I got back into bed, yet, I still couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about that dream.

*In the morning*

I didn't get any sleep. I looked at the time and saw that it was time for school, luckily, today was the last day of the school week. That way I don't have to worry about sleep over the weekend. I get up and get into my uniform, then I walk out of my dorm room. I see Bakugou standing there, you see we usually walk together ever since we moved in to the dorms. He always waits for me before he leaves, and we walk together down to UA.

For some reason I just ended up walking past him, without thinking of course. "Oi, hair for brains, what are you doing?" I keep walking "don't ignore me" I feel a grip on my shoulder "what's up with you" he sounds annoyed. "Let go, Bakugou" I say sternly, he lets go "the hell is wrong with you" "nothing, I'm just not in the right mood today" but I'm not unhappy or annoyed, I'm just... scared. I walk ahead of him so he was loosely following me.

*Last class*

Today was hero training with All Might. He may be retired but he still enjoys teaching us cool hero work. "Hello class, so today since we are going on break I thought we could add a little fun to todays hero lesson. We will be basically playing Capture the Flag!" I hear the whole class start to get excited, I am too, I love competitive team games like this.

We all walk to the locker rooms to get ready, we just into our training uniform- since it was easier than getting out our hero costumes. Once we were all done we had to decide on two team captains to choose players for their team. The captain for the blue team, our class decided on Midoriya, for the red team, they decided on Bakugou. Of course the two that hate each other are the opposing team captains.

"Young Midoriya, you choose first," All Might exclaimed, "hmm, how about..." he looks around at our class for a moment "Kirishima!" He points at me, I walk over to his side and wait for Bakugou to choose. "Icy Hot, or whatever." That's weird for Bakugo.

The teams were chosen, and we all got on our sides. The main goal was to get the red teams flag and bring it onto our territory, and we were obviously allowed to use our quirks. The one thing though is that once we step onto the opposing teams side, we have to start a small match, if the winner is the person that crossed the line then they can proceed to try to capture the flag, but if the starter of the fight wins then the person that crossed has to go back to their side. The way to win a match is to get the other person to yield or run away. If a player is knocked out they can not continue on, and must leave the game.

It didn't feel right to try to go after the flag so quickly, but Midoriya said that I was the best option to distract Bakugou or Todoroki, mainly because I can handle their quirks so well. Midoriya said that he would handle Todoroki, though. He told the rest of the group, mainly Hagakure, to try to stealthily grab their flag. A simple but efficient tactic.

We both ran onto the other side, he went into the direction where he said he had seen Todoroki and pointed me to go the opposite direction, where Bakugou was most likely at. He was correct, a large explosion came towards my direction after a bit of running. He then jumped back to make sure he wouldn't get hit by a counter. I hardened as soon as I saw another explosion come my way. I quickly dodged and tried to counter, I only cut him on the arm- a small one at most.

"Why have you been avoiding me all day, huh?!" He sounded a bit tired, at this point we have been fight for a good 10 minutes, I didn't respond to his question. I ran to him, then all of a sudden an image of the nightmare had popped into my head. I ended up tripping on myself, but quickly trying to get up, I felt tears try to escape my eyes, but I refused. I noticed he was right there, but before I could do anything I was blown away by one of his explosions. I landed about 10 feet away from where he shot me "that was nothing, I can make it worse if you don't stop ignoring me, shitty hair." His voice sounded tired from all the fighting, I get up and harden my arms and head and ran towards him again. This time I almost hit him, he dodged and countered.

Then a loud whistle blew, I look up to see All Might yelling "CONGRATULATIONS BLUE TEAM, THEY CAUGHT THE RED TEAM'S FLAG!" I looked at Bakugou, usually he was pissed off when he loses, he looks away "tch, good game shit hair," "thanks," usually I would be giving him a compliment about how strong and great he did, but... nothing.

We went back to the locker rooms and changed back into our normal school uniforms and we walk out, I quickly headed to my dorm, ignoring everyone. Before I got there there was a grip on my shoulder, I quickly noticed who it was "oi, I need you to answer my question from earlier, why have you been avoiding me?" I stood there, not daring to look at his crimson eyes. I tried to get away, but his grip tightened "did I do something wrong or some shit?" "What no, you didn't do anything wrong," "then why Kirishima, why have you been avoiding me?"

. . .

"I need to talk to Midoriya, I'll tell you later."

1429 words

Btw I suck at matching what I say in descriptions but I'm trying to stick to what I said, okay?
-Noodle Chan

Deadly Dreams (KiriBaku Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz