My Greed

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I was in the studio writing down more lyrics until suga hyung called and told me to come back to the apartment and that me and him need to discuss some dumb shit idk

As I groaned I ignored the fact that I'm not finishing today I shut down the computer and got my keys. As I was walking to the apartment I seen a cute boy with a skirt and a sweater probably waiting for someone. I got closer the more I got closer the cuter the boy was.

"Oh hello do you by any chance live Here?" Said the boy

"Uh yes I do, are you here to visit or are you here to wait for someone?" The boy brows frown probably trying to find words to say "no I'm just here to pick up something from someone"

"Oh what's their name?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Uhh I think it was Min suga?" He says with a innocent smile, my eyes widened is he here to buy drugs ?? Omg namjoon he literally looks 17 his underage.

"Um his actually doesn't live here I'm afraid to say he moved about 3 months ago" I said hopefully he buys that. "really because my daddy says he lives here preferably in apartment 120"

"Can I ask how old you are?" I asked he looks offended but "I'm 19 y/o sir"
Did he jus- "kid I don't think this areas is for you"

The kid who I don't even know the name of pushed me aside as he walked in probably annoyed of me. I grabbed his wrist. As he whimpered I realized my greed is taking over my brain, I pinned the kid to the wall causing him to squeal from being manhandled.

"If I said this isn't the place for you, its not the place for you! Got that kid" he looked scared but he looked determined to get his grasp free. "I'm calling my daddy and making sure he hears of this!!" He than stormed out I scoffed saying some dumbshit like if i cared or anything. After that I knew I better call some hoe to give me a blowjob working as a composer/drug dealer isn't easy.

I headed to my apartment that I share with suga, as I opened the door I was hit with the strong smell of weed and possibly sex in the air. I signed at least someone can release themselves i walked to the couch that's filled with money under the cushions which made the couch a little uncomfortable but I didn't care. I found a new wrapped blut and I grabbed it, with a lighter than I lit it up consuming the toxic chemicals.

(A/N: It won't let me upload the video of namjoon doing that smoke thing in bs&t so just play that part on your own.)

After the toxic smell consumed me I felt relaxed I'm sitting on the couch waiting for suga to come out because little miss pest has to fuck right before he talks to me a good solid 10 minutes pass and well his one night stand comes running out me bidding her a goodbye and her running even faster.

I smoke another 3 hits until finally I'm done Siva finally come out dressed wearing sweats & no shirt. As he walked to the kitchen to grab sone water i noticed the scratch marks on his back me getting the great idea of running over to him and smacking the scratch marks him groaning in irritation and agony. I started laughing nearly almost breaking a few cups.

"Why'd you call me over if you were just gonna fuck some random while I'm here listening?" I choked out trying to hide a laugh.

"Trust me she wasn't any good, practically had to take an orgasm just to get her to leave." I started laughing ah classic suga. Than I was reminded of the kid from earlier. "Hyung we're you selling to anyone today?" I asked genuinely curious

"Hm I already sold to Jackson, I already sold to our neighbor, um oh that's right I'm suppose to sell to some guy named Albert? I think why?" He says truthfully,

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