Wrath (Smut)

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"Where's my money?" Asked Mr

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"Where's my money?" Asked Mr. Jung
"Sir I don't have it yet." Another kicked to the gut, "I'll ask one more time where is my money?" He asked this time In a more arrogant/irritated voice. "I told you 'spites out blood' I don't have it."

Mr.jung got up and pulled out his gun. "I don't have all day you ether have my money or I take everything you ever had away from you." Mr.jung bent down on one knee to be eye level with the man he was badly getting irritated with. "I. Don't. Have. Your. Fucking. Mo-" Mr.jung shot the man giving up on him.
"Mr. Jung Sir!" One of my employees came up to me. I sat down on my throne quite irritated.

"Speak!" He flinched and he gave me a paper. I looked at it in disinterest "what did you just give me Mr.lee." I said irritated "Sir the man you killed it says here that he has no children but he does have a wife who has a only child, that only child Is going to that Halloween party."

I looked at it again quite happy but still disinterest. "Mr. Lee oh how am I supposed to forgive you for your kindness." He looked at me in confusion.

"When I speak i deserve an answer." He flinched again "I'm sorry sir. Its just so sudden" He said probably in fear, I smirked and whispered in his ear.

"I'm not killer when it comes to dumb shit, but if you don't get out of my face within 5 seconds your dead." His eyes widened he bowed quickly trying to run but I shot him. "Uh bummer I liked him." I said pretending to be upset, "Oh how much employees are you gonna kill hoseok-ah"

my assistant said. "As many times if they keep saying the dumbest shit." 4 of my men were cleaning the room of the bodies until my assistant spoke.

"Anyways seokie, are you going to that party." He smiled with his boxy smile, ugh I hate when he does that. "Taehyung-ah why do you want to go to a Halloween party when we can make a Halloween party ourselves." He pouted

"Come on seokie, you can't just kill. Eat. Sleep. And fuck everyday isn't it boring." I chuckled I got up and shot my gun at a target on my wall.

"I don't know what kind of fun you call not doing any of that because I grew up doing basically all of that instead of killing but hey face it, I'm the most scariest assassin alive." I smirked

"Look hoseok I understand you rather stay In but think of it as this way, you Can't find yourself a girl you know who can soft up that cold thing you call a heart." Taehyung was right but I'm not gonna let him know that, but than again the reason I'm this way is because of a certain girl, who ruined my life forever.

5 years ago ( hoseok's 18 btw )
Hey honey I'm home, the minute I walked inside I can already tell somethings not right, um okay she probably just got cold I shut the window, and I walked up stairs. As I walked up stairs, there was something wet on the stairs. I bent down and I put my finger in it I can't quite see, but I smell it.... Copper, its copper. The only thing that smell like copper when its liquid is-- "oh no" I ran to mine and my girlfriends shared room and there she was on our bed bleeding from her throat.

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