The Fighter in You

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Dedicated to my mom

The news was unexpected
The road was long and hard.

She felt every blow
She got knocked down quite a bit.

She experienced highs and lows
She knew her life would never be the same.

She felt his hand cover her
She felt him say, My daughter it's okay.

When life seemed to defeat her
She said, for you I'll take the hits...

She fought for her children
She fought for her grandchild...

She said I'll fight another day
I'll stand to see the victory!

Author: Adrienne Edwards


The battle to fight against cancer is not easy. For every women who has battled against cancer... To every woman who has lost a mother, a sister, a daughter, a woman they knew and loved. I encourage you and I love you. I support every woman that has been diagnosed with cancer. You are strong! And you are not alone. 💝

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