Chapter 27: Lyra-Bella Cassiopeia Malfoy

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Promitto Semper Lateri Tuo. Aut Sub Te. Aut Super Te // I Promise To Always Be Beside You. Or Under You. Or On Top Of You.

          I'm not sure why I told Andy I was seeing someone or rather used to be. She passes out as I'm talking and I don't really mind. I'm glad she's getting sleep. I keep talking because it feels good to get things out for once, even if I'm talking to air. There's a crack and a house Elf appears in Andy's room. 

          "Yes?" I ask. The House Elf looks up at me with fearful eyes, 

          "The Dark Lord wishes to see Masters Lyra and Andromeda," he says. I nod and wave off the House Elf. The Elf leaves and I look over to Andy's sleeping form. She looks so peaceful and beautiful. It's a strange contrast to how she looks when she's awake, like the weight of the world is sitting on her shoulders. 

          I make the split-second decision to not wake Andy and I head downstairs, though not before using Andy's mirror to fix myself up. Walking down I go into the meeting room and take a seat at the large table beside my mother. My father is across from her, Aunt Bella sitting beside him. Voldemort is at the end, as usual, dramatic bitch. There are a couple of other Death Eaters here and there. Draco enters and sits down next to me.  There's so much tension in the room, everything is dark and there's a feeling of heavy anger shifting around. If I were a Dark Lord I'd probably take this awkward moment to say, "Sup my boys, what ya doin'", Probably why I'm not a Dark Lord. 

          "Where's Andromeda," Bella asks while looking at me. Once again, why does everyone assume I know where she is?

          "Asleep," I answer. Bella scoffs and goes to stand up. 

          "Leave her be," I say defiantly. Aunt Bella looks shocked that I spoke up. "She barely sleeps, I can fill her in. Surely she won't be missed for one meeting," I look her dead in the eye as I speak. Aunt Bella glares at me, 

         "The Dark Lord wants her here," she screeches. I turn to look at Lord Voldemort, 

       "My Lord," I say, "Surely someone who is as dedicated as Andromeda deserves a moment of rest after all her hard work. She was up late in the dungeons today, after all, torturing some of our new arrivals." I know it's risky to speak this way to the Dark Lord, I could die. But fuck it, Andy deserves a moment of silence. 

         "Just this once," Voldemort hisses, "But don't think I'll be as lenient a second time Miss Malfoy, I am not one for sympathy." Nagini slides from Voldemort's side and slithers towards me ominously, she looks ready to strike. I push down my anxiety as she approaches me. The Snake stares me in the eyes for a moment, I want to look away but I don't. I hold my ground, this could be a test. I don't change my answer and I stare at the snake. After a moment she retreats over to Voldemort. Aunt Bella is still looking at me with a sour gaze. 

          Voldemort looks around at the gathered death-eaters, there are a few new arrivals as well. I recognize Elton from the Slytherin Quidditch team. I look down the line and notice a familiar face closer to the end, he's looking in my direction, but not at me. He's looking at Draco. It's Jake. Draco notices him as well and there's a moment of shock on his face. Last I heard the two had continued their tryst despite Draco accidentally outing himself to the school. Which hadn't been as big of a deal as we thought, people had been shocked but nobody really said anything. And those who did were quickly put in their place by either myself or Andy. 

          I was scared that him being here would distract Draco, or get them found out. I can't imagine my father, or anyone really, would be happy to find them sticking it in each other. Ew gross, I did not want to think about what Jake and my brother did while alone together. Disgusting. 

          "There's a wedding at the Weasley's place, Harry Potter is bound to be there. Go and bring him to me," Voldemort says in a deep villainous voice that you often hear in movies. Voldemort is so dramatic, people who are that dramatic are usually one of three things, evil, gay, or both. 

          "The Weasly's are likely expecting an attack, My Lord," My father speaks, "they will have wards and Aurors and-"

          "Must I say it again Lucius," The Dark Lord's voice is venomous and dark. My father stops talking, wise choice. I'd rather he had kept talking. Then maybe he'd die. I'd like that. 

          "No My Lord," Father whispers. Voldemort stands and he and Nagini exit the room dramatically. That dude should get a degree in Theatre. My mind imagines Voldemort on a stage, perhaps in a musical, singing his heart out as the main protagonist. What a sight that would be. 

          The meeting continues with many arguments and not much actual productivity. But finally, we've devised a plan and the meeting is dismissed. I head back up to Andy's room to check on her. She's still passed out. I smile and yawn. I walk over and sit next to Andy, suddenly it registers how tired I am and I basically pass out next to Andy.

Draco Lucius Malfoy's POV

          "Hey," Jake says. I smirk at the brunette and glance down the halls before pulling him in and closing the door. 

          "Hey," I reply. His blue eyes bore into mine and I can feel the adrenaline in my veins. I want him to kiss me, I want to kiss him. Fuck, he's hot. At first, we were together so I could get over Harry, now, well I wasn't sure what it was. I don't think I'd consider it a relationship, nor do I think I have real feelings for him. It's mainly just lust and attraction. My heart can never belong to him, for it belongs to Harry, but that doesn't mean there isn't something between us. Even if it is just lust.

          Jake's hand is on my waist and my skin burns at his touch. It's like he's lit a fire inside me. He pulls me closer and pauses for a moment, keeping me only a fraction away from him. It's torture. I close the distance between us quickly and we crash together. He pushes me over to my bed, still connected the entire time. I gasp as I hit my bed frame, it hurts slightly. 

          "Sorry," Jake gasps. I settle onto the bed and pull him on top of me. He kisses my neck and starts to create a small hickey. I swat at him, I'm not letting him put a hickey on me. He laughs and lightly bites my collarbone, which he knows I like. 

          "Fuck you," I hiss. 

         He leans back and looks me in the eyes, there's something soft there, something vulnerable. I'm too impatient to bother trying to figure it out and I tug at the bottom of his shirt. He pulls it off and moves to take mine off as well. I help him out and as soon as it's off I grab him by the neck and pull him into another kiss. His tongue glides into my mouth, it's familiar and yet every time it shocks me. It seems to only get better and the fire inside me only seems to grow stronger at every encounter. At first, it was nothing but pleasure, a small candle flame. Now it's a forest fire, melting me from the inside out. 

          My hand slides into his hair, pulling gently. He moans into my mouth and I feel like exploding. I decide I can't wait any longer and tug at the waistband of his pants. I don't care if I come off desperate, I am. 

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