Chapter 5: Lyra-Bella Cassiopia Malfoy

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Also... I'm so sorry for scarring you with this song up above. But it's too amazing not to share. I make a reference too it below as well so if you want to understand watch at least the first 10 seconds lmao.


Vita Brevis Est. Mors Usque In Sempiternum // Life is Short, Death is Forever.


         The summer went by in a blur. I didn't feel like doing much of anything really. I didn't have an appetite and I had a hard time sleeping at night. Now that Voldemort was back death eaters came by more often and father was adamant that we'd be getting our dark marks sometimes after next summer. He was getting harsher as well. Hitting Draco and hurting him. Constantly yelling at us both and telling us how worthless we were. It did wonders for my mental health. Soon we were sleeping in each other's rooms again, like we had when we were little. Comforting each other and trying to forget about the world we live in. It was at a time like this I almost envied the muggles. They had no idea that all this was going on. I'd give anything to be as clueless as them right now.

         I officially hated Umbridge. She was despicable and way too pink. But I had to be a suck up or I could get in huge trouble. I followed her rules, agreed with her, and helped her. All the while hating myself for doing it. I hated myself for being weak and giving in to my father's commands. But I was being strong for Draco. Just as he was being strong for me. As a source of happiness Draco had begun to open up about his feelings for Harry and soon conversations went from how much we hated him to how cute they'd be together. And I did have to admit, I shipped them.

          As the year went on pretending didn't know about the DA was difficult. You wouldn't think that it would be but surprise, surprise it was. I knew I didn't want to rat them out so I payed one of the members to do it for me, and not mention that I paid her or else. Unfortunately she got that stupid hex and refused to speak to Umbridge. Which did kind of screw up my plan.
          I was slowly getting over Cedric, maybe I didn't love him like I thought I did. I cared for him, but I don't think I loved him. Then of course you can imagine my confusion when I bumped into a Hufflepuff girl one day and found myself blushing. I spent a good while confused and unsure and questioning who I really thought I was.

          "Dray." I said. He hummed at me, his eyes still glued to his book. We were sitting outside the black lake just enjoying some siblings time together.
          "I'm Bisexual," I said. I pulled my lips between my teeth nervously as Draco looked up from his book.
          "Okay," he said mirroring my reaction from when he told me about Harry. I laughed and smiled at him. He put his book down gently and slid a bookmark between the pages.
          "Any particular person you've got your eye on?" He asked.
          "Jaiden Atkinson, Hufflepuff in our year." I replied. Draco looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding and smiling.
          "Clearly you have a thing for Hufflepuffs." He teased. I laughed awkwardly, still slight sensitive about the whole Cedric situation. Even if I wasn't super romantically attracted to him anymore.
          "But seriously Ly, are you actually interested in her or are you just trying to find a new Cedric?" He asked. His tone wasn't accusatory but rather worried.
          "I like her." I answered. Draco nodded and picked back up his book
          "I'm that case, ask her out."

          "Jaiden," I laughed as a snowball hit my cheek. The dirty blonde laughed as well and pulled a hood over her short hair.
         "You asked for it." She replied. I gripped a bundle of snow and tossed it at the girl, completely missing and sending us both into a fit of giggles. I pulled my jacket tighter against myself, shivering against the cold. Jaiden took my hand and pulled me into a hug.
          "Why don't we go somewhere warmer?" She suggested. I nodded against her chest and she pulled me by the hand towards a small book shop. It was low key and not very popular, hence why we were there as we didn't want people knowing about our relationship. The shop owner greeted us and we both waved back briefly. We walked farther into the mass of books until we were sure nobody coming in would overhear our conversations.
          "Your eyes are so-" Jaiden trailed off, staring at me. I shifted slightly under her gaze, it was soft and sweet.
          "Creepy? Intimidating?" I filled in. Jaiden chuckled and shook her head. She moved forward and put her hand gently on the side of my face, remaining eye contact the whole time. My heart fluttered rapidly in my chest and my breathing hitched as she moved slightly closer.
          "Gorgeous," she whispered. Something about how she said the word made me think she wasn't only talking about my eyes.
          "Your one to talk," I chuckled. Jaiden giggled, which I thought was adorable, and her eyes fluttered to my lips. A moment later I was pulling her towards me and we were kissing. It wasn't like kissing Cedric at all. This was softer and more delicate. 

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