Bill Denbrough | Play and Tease

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English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.


Word Count: 2383 words.

If there's one thing that's good about a school day on Friday, it's when it's finally over - there's a lot students that can agree with that. There is nothing like the feeling of freedom when you are walking with your friends to the exit of the building, knowing that you will only return to that place after the weekend.

Bill Denbrough, also known as Stuttering-Bill, was definitely enjoying that feeling. That Friday had been good enough for him - most of the classes he'd taken that day were classes he actually liked, and he had busied himself scribbling in his notebook in classes he did not enjoy that much. And finally, the end of the school day had come, taking Bill and his closest friends into the halls. At that moment, the four of them were standing in front of Stan's locker, since the Uris boy claimed that he had to get something there before he could go home.

The Denbrough couldn't help but think that his group of friends was certainly... Something. They could all just be waiting for Stan to finish what he needed to do, but instead, Richie and Eddie were bickering about something stupid - Bill wasn't even sure what they were bickering about, that happened so often that he lost interest on what was going on there - while Stan rolled his eyes and Bill just watched unamused, sure that they would keep going with that till they went their separate ways to their homes. Stan, however, decided to change that once he closed his locker and turned around - his grumpy expression soon disappearing when he saw who was across the hall.

"Oh look who it is." a noticeable smirk appeared on his face. "Your girlfriend is right there, Bill."

Bill didn't even need to turn around to know exactly who he was talking about, knowing that he had spotted (Y/N) (Y/L/N) somewhere in the hallway. The Denbrough boy took a quick glance at the direction Stan was looking, seeing the girl standing in front of her open locker, searching for something.

"Can you juh-just stop, please?" he turned back to Stan, not wanting him to make a fuss about it - he couldn't deny, however, that knowing she was so close made his heart skip a beat.

Bill should have realized by that time that asking his friends to stop just made them want to tease him even more. Seeing how flustered Bill was getting, Trashmouth Tozier obviously had to make his own comment about the situation.

A grin widened on Richie's face before he started singing loudly. "(Y/N) and Bill sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-"

"S-shut up, Richie!" Bill was quick to cover his friend's mouth, just to have his hand slapped away the next second but he didn't mind that. He took another glance at (Y/N) to make sure she wasn't aware of what was happening. "She will hear you."

"Wouldn't it be good if she did?" Richie wiggled his eyebrows at him. "She could give another big smooch on your lips."

Eddie - the only one that didn't understand why teasing Billy was so funny - frowned, a clear look of disgust in his eyes. "Why would he want that? That's gross!"

Richie shook his head at him. "It is not but you wouldn't know since you hadn't kissed anyone yet." he walked to Eddie smoothly, wrapping his arm around the smaller one's shoulders. "I can help you with that."

Eddie rolled his eyes but the redness of his cheeks were noticeable. "Oh, fuck off." he got out of Richie's embrace, taking a few steps to get a bit of distance between them. "I'm still glad my mom didn't let me go to the school play so that I missed all... That." he gestured from Bill to (Y/N).

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