Dating a modern Beverly Marsh in high school would include

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* you two being best friends for a while, but there was always something more between the two of you - though neither of you could tell what it was at first -

* some of the losers also noticing that there was an unspoken thing between you and Bev

* but some of the others being completely oblivious until the day you officially started dating and told them about that

* ok, but there's so much playful flirting

* Beverly being the first to make a serious move on you

* her looking relaxed as if she knew you liked her too

* but inside that girl was freaking out

* the last thing she would want was to ruin the good friendship you two had

* but fortunately for her, everything turned out right at the end

* you being so supportive of each other

* sleepovers at each other's houses

* and spending the whole night awake, just talking and playing games

* and talking about a future together after high school

* Bev introducing you to Hayley Kiyoko's songs

* you going to concerts together

* you two being very open about your relationship

* except when it came to Bev's father

* he always seemed so strict and even you were a little afraid of him

* so you didn't even argue when Beverly said she'd rather not tell him

* both of you having to put up with Richie making some jokes about your relationship

* Bev not caring too much about it - and she'd tell you not to care too much either - unless his jokes went too far and upset you

* then she would have Richie shut his fucking mouth

* you often holding hands while you walk through the school hallways

* and Bev casually putting her arm around your waist sometimes

* you helping each other whenever one of you was struggling in one of your classes

* you having study dates at each other's house

* but you would only be really studying if you were at Beverly's house and if her father was there

* because when you went to study at your house or at Bev's place when her father wasn't there, none of you could really focus on your studies

* and you would just be making out and cuddling all day long

* at some point in high school, Beverly would want to get a tattoo

* so it wouldn't be long before you two got matching tattoos

* you guys going to the movies together, sometimes with the losers, sometimes without them

* Beverly always holding you close to her

* the same thing happening when she went to hang out at your house

* the two of you would mostly lie down in your bed and watch some stuff on Netflix

* and cuddle a lot

* Beverly convincing you to dye your hair at some point

* and she would dye it herself

* her being so proud of the results

* your hair was looking good

* you were looking good

* she was happy

* your parents, however, might or might not have gotten a bit angry at that situation

* yeah, you kinda got in trouble for that

* you thinking of asking to do the same with Bev's hair

* but decided against it in the end

* you really loved her hair the way it was

* overall, you just loving her the way she is

* and she loving you the way you are

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