# 6 Your first date

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Luke would take you out to a remote dinner in the middle of a paddock. He would sing 'Vegas- All timw low" to you softly as you watched the sunset together whilst eating your favourite meal from McDonalds. The fact that he brought you McDonalds made you giggle softly to yourself. Luke stood up and grabbed your hand.
"I have to show you something" Luke turned and began running through the thick tall grass until he reached the edge of a forest that branched off the paddock. He stepped cautiously through the under growth until a crystal blue lake came into view. There was a a tiled circle near the waters edge that had a small wooden bech on the side. In the middle there was a small bonfire crackling and glowing. You looked around and found a tent nearby. You run over to Luke and kissed his cheek before wlaking into the tent. Luke and you went for a swim later that night then dried off near the bonfire whilst drinking tea. When you became tired Luke carried you into the tent and snuggled beside you. The last thing you heard that night was Luke's raspy voice whispering in your ear.

"Goodnight Beautiful"

Calum would randomly appear outside your window at midnight. He would begin to throw small stones at your window until you woke up. you leaned over the window seal and looked down to see Calum holding a lantern and a bunch of white roses. You quickly climbed out the window and before you hit the ground you felt Calum's arms beneath you.
"Thanks Cal" he swiftly lets you down.
"No problem babe" you suddenly felt like a thousand butterflies were fighting to escape you stomach.
"B-babe? I like it" Calum just smiles and then you remember it's 12:06 am.
"Calum it's really early, what are you doing here?"
"Taking you for a drive" You look up to Calum as he grabs your hand. You knew thatif you wre caught your Dad would kill you but you wanted a thrill. You allowed Calum to lead you to his car. He held your hand the whole way and despite your attempts of getting Calum to tell you where you were going Calum didn't give anything away. Calum suddenly stopped the car and squeezed your hand before jumping out. He ran around to your side of the car and opened the door for you. He slid his arms under your legs before you could protest he began to carry you up a grrassy hill. He set you down on the damp grass.
"Look at the sky" Calum whispered as he layed down on the grass beside you. You and Calum spent the whole night looking at the stars together.

Michael and you had been shopping for a while now and then Michael suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a music shop.
"Pic a guitar" Michael pointed to the back corner of the store where you found a pink electric guitar. You picked it up- you pulled out your pick and played a couple of chords before you carried it over to Michael who was loooking at band stickers. You picked up a few of your favourite bands' stickers from the selection and wrapped your arms around Michael's waist. Michael tured to look at you and you. You sztood on your tip toes and whispered in his ear "Thank you baby"
Michael then drove you back to your house-you held your guitar and bag with one hand and Michael's hand with the other. Michael let go of your hand and ran up the stairs and down the hallway to your bedroom. He opened the door for you and just stood there smirking.

"Ladies first"


Ashton would randomly rock up at your door and he would be holding shopping bags full of ingredients to make cakes and cookies.
He walked into your kitchen and pulled the flour out. you walked in behind him and snaked your arms around his waist. He jumped slightly and the milk that he was grabbing out of the bag fell out of his hand and when it hit the ground the lid flew off and the milk started flooding the floor. Ashton moved to grab a tea towel but slipped on the milk, he grabbed your arm and tried to pull himself up but he ended taking you with him.
"Oh my god babe I'm so sorry, are you okay?" You couldn't stop laughing at how concerned Ashton looked.
"Ash I'm fine" you said between giggles.
You and Ashton began actually baking the cookies and when you finished baking them Ashton sat on the floor of your kitchen and watched you dance around to the radio.

A/N: Guys I am so so sorry about beoing so slow with updates. I am running out of juice and I would love to get you all involved. So if you have an idea for me please message me or comment xx


Luke: http://www.polyvore.com/luke_takes_you_on_summer/set?id=137356380

Calum: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=148446286

Michael: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=146075296

Ashton: http://www.polyvore.com/first_date_with_ashton/set?id=143673036

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