#8 What Love Is To Him

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To me love is the most rare feeling someone can feel towards a person. That's why we have soul mates. You may tell someone you love them Over and over again but it's not always true. When you meet that person you know it's the love because you know it's not going to be perfect. It's not a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn't always come easy. You have to overcome obstacles - face challenges - fight to be with them. Holding on and never let go. It's a short word, easy to say, difficult to decline and impossible to live without. Love is realising that every hour - every minute - every second was worth it because you did it together. Are your palms sweaty - is your heart racing and is your voice caught in your chest? - it isn't love, it's like. You can't keep your eyes off them - am I right? It isn't love - it's lust. Are you proud and eager to show them off? It's isn't love, it's pride. Does your heart ache and break when they're sad? Then it's love. Do you cry for they're pain even when they're strong? Then it's love. Would you give them your heart, your life, your death? Think about it for a second.


Well love is that tingly feeling you get in your stomach when you see someone smile, or when you heart starts to race when you touch them. When you find your self up late at night thinking of someone. Love is when you wake up and you imagine a special someone laying next to you. Should I explain the birds and the bees?


When just the thought of the person makes you smile

You're awake tossing and turning, remembering your moments together, unable to remove the butterflies you feel.
I thought of that of the top of my head ahah.
Oh and if they buy me pizza I know it's true love

You know what love is to me? Love is something that can come simply, or you have to fight for it. I don't believe in limits when it comes to love. Love can happen when looking at a photo, listening to a song, hearing a voice. Love is love. No one understands the love you feel- your love is yours. Not matter what you tell someone or even something- love cannot be mediated between people. You know how much love you feel. When the person you love speaks they make you feel like you are invincible, on cloud nine what ever state of high you feel. Your knees get weak and you can't think about anything other then being in their arms. You don't need to be called beautiful by them to know that they think you are their idea of perfect. If it's love distance won't keep you apart. Love is a chain that keeps you tethered. You don't know what love is until you fall into it. You think of them without knowing it. They are your work but they don't control you, you are free to be with friends and family. Jealousy makes you feel secure. They don't want anyone else touching you and you can't stand seeing then with someone else.

What is love? Well that depends on you

These meanings of love were written by my friends: Fairlie, Daniel, Christy and I.

I wrote Ashton's just in case anyone was wondering :)

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