#5 He dedicates a song to you

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Luke: Amnesia
Luke and you had been going through a rough patch and you hadn't spoken for weeks. That's when you remembered that he was leaving. The boys had been given the chance to go on tour and of course they accepted. You looked over at your alarm clock and realised that you only had half an hour to say good-bye. You got up and put on a simple white T-shirt and some skinny jeans. You ran out to your car and plugged your Ipod into the stereo, 'Baby don't cut by B- Mike' started playing, You waited until halfway through the song before it got to the really sad part, you were driving through a main intersection when you decided to change the song, when you went to pick up your Ipod you dropped it, you reached down to get it and the next thing you know was that you woke up not knowing where you were and there was a cute boy with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting next to your bed,
"Who are you?"

Calum: Heartbreak girl
"You where the first girl to break my heart, and you don't even seem to care"  You and Calum had been talking on the phone for at least an hour and you were trying to win him back,
"Look Calum, I love you"
"Y-you l-love me?!"
"Yes Calum I have and I always will"
(A/N sorry it's really short)

Michael: Social Casualty 
You both hate authority and you are always dying your hair bright colours despite what your parents say. You used to be a good girl but you got tired of it and moved to LA to pursue your dreams of being in a band, your parents and friends both think Michael is a bad influence but you can't help who you fall in love with right?
(A/N sorry it's really short again)

Ashton: Don't stop
You had been helping Ashton write new songs and you had also been helping around the house. You have a passion for super heros and Ashton was always calling you his Robin and he is your Batman. The boys were trying to think of things to write song about, you were walking around the house singing,
"Don't stop, stop what your doing because you know that I like it" Ashton started screaming and then Luke, Calum and Micjhael joined in, you decided to ignore their stupid little out burst and you went to go and finish the washing. two weeks later the boys came home fro mrecording and you over heard Ashton say,
"She is too amazing. Plus she gave us a new song"

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