Chapter 23

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I decide not to tell the boys and to let them have the full moon together as I want them to have some time to be the Marauders again. I am always around them so I want to make sure I'm not becoming annoying. Besides I can just surprise them at school which will be much more entertaining. The night of the full moon I promise the boys to stay inside which I do. But I don't go to sleep. I prepare. 

I know they will all be hurt when they come back so with some help from Puffy the house-elf, we make James room comfortable. I have Puffy enlarge James' bed so it will fit all four boys comfortably and get any pillows on spare beds in the house and bring them to me. When that is done Puffy went about putting cushioning charms on it while I get some potions ready for the pain. I also get lots of chocolate so they could eat some and some lemon tea. When the sun starts to rise I go to the door that they will come in. Sirius and James are helping hold Remus up. Peter is obviously supposed to get the door. I wave him in and tell him to go to James' room. I take over from Sirius as he was in worse shape. I make them all sit on the bed. I get Puffy to get me bandages and wet cloth with warm water. I get to work washing and bandaging Remus, then Sirius, then James and finally Peter. When I am done I get Puffy to change them into some Pajamas using his magic and I make them all some Lemon tea with extra honey for Remus.

I left them all to sleep with warming charms on the tea so it won't go cold and have a pain potion in it. I go and had breakfast with James' parents and tell them the boys had stayed up really late and they were sleeping. They nod saying they were used to it but surprised I didn't join. I just shrug, "I am more an early riser, not an all-nighter." Which is totally a lie as I haven't slept yet but what they don't know can't hurt them. After breakfast, I go back to James' room and checked on the boys. I rub some healing salve on some of Remus' scars that would need it, they will still scar but it speeds up the process. I sit on the sofa that is in the room and read.


A few hours later the boys start to move one by one. It is quite funny really. Remus wakes first he groans a little. I get up and walk over helping him sit up with pillows behind him and hand him his tea. When he finishes some he is about to ask a question when James starts coughing so I go and helped him. After James is situated I sit in the middle of the bed. James and Remus are both at the headboard while Peter and Sirius are at the base. The bed had been enlarged so there was plenty of room. I walk over the legs and sit in the empty space in the middle. Peter wakes soon after and I help him up as well. We get Puffy to make another pot of Lemon tea as it is helping the boys. Sirius would stir every now and then but didn't wake up for another half-hour after Peter. I again get him comfortable. I sit in between James and Remus on the headboard so we can all talk.

"James, am I hallucinating or is your bed much bigger?" Sirius asks tiredly.

"It's bigger pad. Char made it bigger so we could all heal," he answers. Sirius smiles at me in thanks.

"I also covered it with your parents James as far as they are aware you lot all stayed up really late messing around. I went to bed early but you woke me up at five from the noise were I convinced you to go to sleep," I add.

Remus looks at me curiously, "What time did you go to bed?"

"Didn't I spent the night getting James' bed ready and making sure I had everything you boys would need," I shrug. James suddenly pulls me into a hug that makes me lean on him.

"Go, to sleep now," he orders.

"But what if you guys need something," I protest. But he just pulls me into a more comfortable position and puts the blanket over me.

"We can call Puffy," he replies. I eventually give up and drift off to the boys talking quietly. 

I wake up sometime later in bed with the covers over me. The bed is back to its normal size. I look around and see the boys are all on the sofa's James has in his room. Remus must have heard me as he is looking at me. So is Pete as they are the ones that were on the sofa looking in my direction. I wink at them before putting a finger to my mouth. I silently and wandlessly place a silencing charm on my feet. I creep over to the James and Sirius. Their back's are facing me. When I get close I jump on Sirius' back making him scream.

"Ahhhh! Charlotte what the hell!" 

I just get off his back and sit in his lap. "What, I only gave you a hug," I smirk faking innocence. He just glares at me and pinches my side causing me to yelp and glare at him. He just smirks in response.

"Infuriating puppy," I huff. He pokes me again.

"Alright, enough flirting you two," Remus drawls.

"We are not flirting," Sirius yelps.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I ask ignoring Remus, moving to sit between Sirius and James.

"About four hours," James answers. I nod.

"How are you all feeling?" I ask them.

"Great, and thank you for doing all that," Remus says smiling gratefully.

"No, problem. The lemon tea with honey was my friend's idea he uses it on the full moon. Thought it might help. The chocolate was because you like it so much," I shrug. "I'm going to change then go get some food," I state standing. I go to my room and get washed before going down and asking for a sandwich from a house-elf. When that is done I go back to the boys.

"Just so you guys know we are going out with the girls tomorrow in muggle London. We are going to a theme park. Be ready for ten," I inform before going back to my room to start to pack anything that could be helpful. I had spoken to Fabe and Gid and it was decided I would come on Friday instead of Sunday as Molly wouldn't be there until Tuesday after that. 


Dinner was nice and after I was talking to the boys about the next day. Remus and I had to explain what a theme park was. They seemed to like the idea but I had to remind James not to go over the top tomorrow. That giving Lily space would be a good thing. So for the rest of the night, we all planned what to do tomorrow. Finally, at eleven I went to bed. I had made sure Remus had drunk lemon tea all day so he wouldn't be in as much pain tomorrow.


The next morning I wake up shower and put on some bootcut jeans, a white top and a leather jacket with some trainers. I put my hair in a ponytail, put on some light makeup before going downstairs. Dora and Charles had left early that day but had left a note for them to have a good time. I am awake before the boys and enjoyed the peaceful breakfast. Unfortunately, they ruin it by coming downstairs and coming into the dining room as loud as usual. Eventually, we leave for ten. We are flooing as close as possible and then will be getting a bus to the theme park. My birthday is tomorrow so they had decided that they would pay for me as part of my present. We meet up with the girls, Fabe, Gid and Frank. All the pureblood wizards think the park was really cool while Remus Lily and I laugh at them. The best ride by far is the water ride as we can all fit on the same one. All of us get soaked because you can shoot water at the other boats and we ended up in competition with the boat after us. It is hilarious. When we go on the biggest rollercoaster everyone screamed really loud, unfortunately for Remus, we hadn't anticipated this so his head is ringing for a few minutes after. I feel bad but he looks so happy I figure it is okay. We buy every picture and Frank says he knows a spell so that they will move and will do it when we get to school. We spend about an hour in the main souvenir shop. For dinner, we go outside of the park and to a restaurant in the closest muggle town. I again am not allowed to pay for any of that either. When we all say goodbye they all give me the presents with strict instructions not to open them until tomorrow. We quickly make our way home and we all collapsed on the sofa.

"I am so glad I had brought an undetectable extension and feather-light charm," I mutter.

"So are we," they murmur in agreement. We had put all our bags in mine when we went to dinner. Our feet are exhausted from standing in line all day. When Puffy popped in and asked if we wanted anything we all decline and slowly make our way upstairs. I get changed and fall straight into bed. Luckily I am too exhausted to have a nightmare. I had been taking dreamless sleep every night since I had woken the boys. The next morning I am woken up to the boys tackling me in a hug and yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE!"

A.N: Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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