Chapter 50

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I have skipped when everyone was at her house. She told them all about her inheritance but not her parentage. They told them she was a distant cousin of James and that is why it came up with potter on Sirius' paper and she was shocked at her paper.

Char POV:

I was at James' for this week of the holidays. It was breakfast and three owls came in and delivered James, Sirius and me our Hogwarts letters. When James opened his he had Quidditch captain. He was so happy but I was confused about why he wasn't head boy as well. However, I was even more confused when I opened mine and Head girl came out. I also had a small letter from Dumbles. I read it quickly.

"Oh, it seems Professor Dumbledore needs to speak with me today and this portkey is set to go off in twenty minutes. If you'll excuse me I need to go get ready," I say shocked. I go upstairs and pack all of my things before shrinking them and putting them into my pocket. I held onto the portkey and after two minutes I felt the usual tug around my nasal. I landed in Dumbles office. I gave him a hug hello before sitting down in his sofa area.

"I asked you here today as I am sure you are shocked at being head girl," he started. When I nodded he continued, "Well, I think you are best for the role. You created house unity in the school which is something not many remember in this school." I was surprised but just smiled.

"Well, thank you and I suppose you decided everything else had changed so why not. If you don't mind me asking who is head boy?" I ask.

"Ah, that would be Andrew Smith from Hufflepuff. He is their best candidate," he replied.

"I am glad I am here sir as I have something important to tell you. When I covered my mouth when we first met I hid that I am the heir to all the Hogwarts houses. So I own the entire castle," I admit.

"Well, that changes things. I suppose you are telling me this as you inherited the property this year so you want to change some things?" he asked.

"No, I just wanted to inform you I will be staying in the head of houses chambers. I am also thinking about staying here for the rest of the holidays from today so I can make some alterations," I answer.

"I would say that can be arranged but as you own the castle it really isn't up to me," he laughs.

"True, but it is polite to inform. Anyways, I am going to stay there this year and I won't be taking the train here," I respond. He just nods.

"Well, I will see you later, my dear," he says. I smile and hug him goodbye before going to where the Founders room was. I came in and settled myself in. I then decided to write a letter to each of the boys with a portkey attached. I sent them off and after twenty minutes Sirius appeared. Without any bags.

"Hey. I know I said come whenever you want but I meant bring bags," I said smiling. He just rolled his eyes.

"I know but I asked James to make mine and activated the portkey before he could say no," he grinned giving me a hug. I returned the hug and smiled up at him giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Well, that was mean of you. And how do you know James will bring you anything?" I reply.

"He knows if he doesn't I will just use his stuff," Sirius shrugged, "and let's face it you would have done the same so it isn't that mean," he smirked.

"True," I replied.

"Which is why we are the perfect match," he said grinning widely. I rolled my eyes and just hugged him. We stayed like that hugging each other and exchanging kisses. We eventually went and sat down on the couch but just held each other. We hadn't had much time to ourselves in a while. Soon enough the other three came.

"Hey guys," Peter said grinning.

"Hey, Pete," I replied. "I know you guys are confused but as the heir to Hogwarts, I know of some passages you don't. In fact where we are right now isn't on the map," I smirked.

"Oh really. Well, only a marauder on the map can add things," James replied smirking, "So, I think we need to put you on the map. But you don't have an animagus form sooo," he trailed off when I stood up.

"I told you guys I could come with you last year on the full moon, surely you didn't think I meant as human," I smirked before transforming. I felt myself go onto four legs. When I looked up the boy's faces were shocked.

"You're a hippogriff," Remus said surprised, "I didn't think it was possible to be a magical animal." I transform back into my human self.

"Yeah, it shocked me the first time I transformed. And unfortunately, due to me being fully black I don't exactly blend in," I respond.

"Anyway, this means we need to think of a name," Sirius interrupted.

"We have ages to think of a name, this is the only time you will be allowed around the castle with no one around," I point out.

"True, so where are now," James asks taking the map out of his pocket.

I take them outside the rooms.

"We are on the seventh floor just here," I say pointing to the map. He adds it on. "Right next is actually just down this corridor," I say walking to the other end. I pace in front of the stretch of wall three times and a door appears.

"This is the room of requirements. You probably can't add it to the map as it can be as big or as small as the user needs. So you could just label that area," I suggest. They nod after having a turn with the room. I show them a few more passages and by this time we are in the entrance hall as I showed them a passage that went from a few feet away from the Gryffindor common room to the entrance hall.

"Right, now I know you are Gryffindors but would you like to see the Chamber of secrets and Slytherins famous monster," I smirk.

"It's real?" Remus exclaims. The others look confused. I decided they should see it and walk in the direction while Remus reminds the boys of what it is.

a.n: I know it short but unfortunately I have even more exams this week 🙄. Hopefully, I will update soon.

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