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You had a wonderful life, and couldn't deny that you did, however, your oldest child was set on being in the military, and therefore they pursued that dream. You always did worry about them– you couldn't deny that much, but you continued on to take care of yourself, your spouse as well as your other children. But one day, your oldest comes home to surprise all of you, and that's the biggest gift you could ever ask for.

A quick note, I will be playing the child that comes home for your family, which is my character Kyler, and you will be making a character that comes home for my parent characters family.


[ 1 ] Detail

I am not asking you to give me a whole book but please give me some detail to work with, which is the reason that I will not allow one liners. If you do one liners, then I will stop replying all around, as it bores me and has no detail. I would like a minimum of 3+ lines per character you play. More is fine, but if you do anything less, and it becomes very frequent, I will stop replying. Also please only roleplay in third person point of view. Please do make your forms detailed as well.

[ 2 ] Characters

Of course you are allowed to tag, but please do have the common knowledge that your form must have everything that is required in mine. I understand some of you have pre made forms already, which is fine. In your comments section, tag me and either ask me what you need, or just add it there.

And finally, for the love of god.


[ 3 ] Swearing & Smut

Swearing is aloud, but it must be censored, as I do not want my book to get taken down because of something as minor as this. So all I ask is that you censor your swearing. Also, please keep in mind that some scenarios dont warrant swearing, so keep that in mind as well, that swearing is not always needed.

Smut is also aloud, but when it comes to this, it is always to be taken to private messages. No smut will be present on my book as I do not want my book to get taken down for it, or make any other roleplayers uncomfortable.

Also, keep in mind, I do not do roleplays in private messages unless it's smut.

[ 4 ] One Sided

Do not make the roleplay all about your character, as it is not fair to me and my character, as I work hard on my characters. If the scenario is something that warrants one of our characters to be more known in that moment, thats fine, but it will not be the entire roleplay. Also, please dont make it where our characters just magically know each other if the scenario says they will just meet, unless there is some kind of backstory to follow.

[ 5 ] Password

Please include the password with your form, unless you're tagging me. But you do have to do the password. There is no if, and or buts. Also, I do have a life outside of wattpad, so to prevent spam, please tag me every 4 hours. Also tag me, do not go ; ? , - , hello? As it just severely annoys me, and will make me not want to reply to you. Have fun! The passwords ;

• Tag 3 people who you think might be interested in joining

• Find it in the rules

• What do you think is the most important rule on this list?

Home Again || Family RoleplayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora