Toxic Uranium

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Creepypasta Name: Toxic Uranium.

Weapon(s): A knife and tubes with radioactive uranium.

Supernatural Power(s): He can change his eye color because of the radioactive uranium.

Killing Method: He kills them with his knife and gets rid of the victim's body by throwing them into radioactive uranium.




Name: Uranus Ingram.

Nickname(s): Uranus, Mr Ingram, Uranium kid, Toxic Uranium.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Species: Human who got in contact with Uranium.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Ethnicity: Unknown.

Nationality: American.

Accent: A slight Canadian accent.

Occupation: None.

Current Residence: Unknown.




Height: 5'5 ft.

Weight: 134 Ibs.

Eye Color: Blue or Toxic Green.

Hair Color: Black with Toxic green highlights at the bottom.

Hair Style: Wavy.

Skin Tone: Pale.

Accessories: A gas mask.

Piercings: None.

Scars/Impairments: None.

Birth Mark(s): None.

Tattoo(s): None.

Clothing: Deep greenish jacket with two
radition symbols (on the front and right sleeve) and a red proxy symbol on the left sleeve, black gloves, blue-greyish jeans and dark deep greenish boots.




Personality: He's a very intelligent boy for his age but he's pretty shy and introverted. But once he knows that he can trust you, he's very open.

Illnesses/Disorders: TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome), OCD (Obsessive–compulsive disorder) and Panic Disorder.

Likes: The Nature, Organic Life, Silence, Being alone and His family.

Dislikes: Toxic Waste (personal reason), Loud and crowded places, Chaotic situations and fake friends.

Habits: Constantly wearing his gas mask and Stuttering when he's nervous.

Pet Peeves: Fake Friends, Loud people, Crowded places.




Mother: Uranus and his mother were very close when he was young, but it all changed when his mother died in a massa murder at a shopping center when he was 7 years old.

Father: Uranus and his father were always a great duo when it goes to repairing stuff. But after the accident, his father and him didn't talk that much anymore.

Sibling(s): Uranus and his siblings (Bianca and Giovanni) are a great trio, even tho their father forbid Bianca and Giovanni to see their older brother, they still visit him.

Other Relatives: Uranus never met other relatives because they were never interested in him.

Friends: He never had any friends because everyone saw him as a freak because of his eye color.

Enemies: Uranus sees everyone, except his family and the Creepypastas, as his enemy

Pet(s): Uranus has an injured wolf as pet which he found on one of his missions. He named the wolf Plutonium, since he thought that his pet should have also a radioactive Element as name.




Childhood: His childhood was a good and normal one until he lost his mother at the age of 7. But after a month, he started to have a normal life again with the thought of his mother being his guardian angel.

Teenage Years: His teenage years were okay until he was 17, where the accident happened which changed his entire life. Since the accident, he's a proxy of Slenderman and lives in the Slender Mansion and is known as Toxic Uranium.

Adulthood: He hasn't reached his Adulthood yet.

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