Runo Bella Pines

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Name: Runo Bella Pines.

Nickname(s): Runo, Bella, Flame.

Age: 12/13 years old.

Birthday: 08/31/99.

Species: Human.

Look: Brown long hair tied up with a black ribbon in a ponytail, blue eyes, black T-Shirt with a blue flame, brown shorts, black boots and a black bow-tie.

Friends: Dipper, Mabel, Ford, Stan, Soos, Wendy and Pacifica.

Enemies: Gideon and Bill.

Likes: Chasing after Gideon, Monster Hunting with her siblings, Writing in her Journal, her family and friends, the forest at night.

Dislikes: Spending vacations at home, PUPPETS, Being followed by strangers, fighting, bullies.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo.

Zodiac Symbol: A blue flame.

Crush: Mermando.


Runo Bella Pines is Dipper and Mabel's triplet sister. Runo is the second of the triplet and is 5 minutes older than Dipper and 5 minutes younger than Mabel. Runo was so excited when she went with her siblings, the first summer to Gravity Falls.

Once Dipper found the Journal, Dipper and Runo studied everything in the Journal and Runo made her own one.

Before Mabel's Sock Opera, Runo tried to hack the laptop for Dipper but with no success. Later in the night, Runo had her first meeting with Bill. Runo disaccepted Bill's first deal to her, but accepted the second to help Dipper and became Bill's puppet. At the Opera, Bella tried to get the Journal but got stopped by Mabel and Dipper.

Runo is a very strong minded girl who doesn't give up so easily.

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