one✨ review

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    "Adderall please."

   "And what's it for this time?"

  "We both know the purpose of Adderall, Sylvie, now hand over the drugs comma dealer."
    "Did you really just say the word comma?"

   " Sylvester, I have five piles of work to do today and we both know my ADHD is going to kick in before I even start, it's the whole reason they're still there, five weeks Slyvie, it's five weeks worth of work, without the help of drugs and my lovely dealer how will I ever stay on the job~"

   "Then quit."

  "Syllllllvieeee, don't be like thaaaaat," I got up from being slouched in an armchair in Slyvester's office and over to his desk where he was filling something out," Is that for me?"

   "Yes for the psych evaluation of your withdrawal symptoms," he continued to scribble effortlessly along the paper strapped to a clipboard, I just yanked it from his hands and walked away from the desk," Hey!"

   I chucked the report into the nearest trashcan and nailed it, cheering enthusiastically.

  "Why is it that you have to act so disrespectful and childish!?"

  "Oh come on Sylvie we've gone over this already, you're my psychologist you should be able to tell me by now."

  "I know about you family issues y/-."

  "Bzzzzt, wrong answer. Correct response would have been along the lines of 'because I'm your friend y/n'."

   "I'm your psychologist not your friend, I don't have friends. How am I suppose to see the world from an unbiased and outsider's perspective if I have friends?"

  "That sound like an opinion Sylvie and you wanna know what opinions lead to....biases," I say putting emphasis on the last word with jazz hands," and hopefully drugs."

   "Your session ended two hours ago, please politely get out of my God Damm office!"

   "Love you Sylvie," I say leaving while shaking a bottle of pills in the air. I could afford an illegal action every now and then especially if it was on Sylvie's expense and not mine..... I bad person?

Summary of Sylvie and Y/n's relationship:

---Summary of Sylvie and Y/n's relationship:

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