Chapter 15: The Princess Guard

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Somehow, in the morning, Aiyana found herself before King Cyro. His cold eyes stared down at her, calculating and not giving any information away. Beside him were the Queen, the Princess, covered in plasters from her ordeal and the Crown Prince. Jaylyn was nowhere to be seen and in response to her absence, Jason seemed more impatient.

Aiyana had a brief memory of being awoken, morning fitness and eating but it was fading in the light of the Glacian Royals. They watched her like scavengers, waiting to pick off what was left of the meat. But she would show no weakness. She was not weak. Aiyana met the King's eyes with reciprocated force but she kept her face pleasant, not offering any rudeness.

At last, after a lengthened scrutinisation, King Cyro spoke, "You saw the Rovan assassin attack Princess Ravenna?"

"Yes... sir," she added cautiously.

"He came in through the window?"

"Yes, sir."

"You threw knives at him?"

"Yes, sir."

"And attacked him... barefoot?"

Aiyana hesitated a little. "Yes, sir. I'm not so tall, you see. My strongest advantage was the element of surprise." She didn't know whether she had been allowed to explain. The one ease about working with the King of Nasta, an absolutist at heart, was he was quick. He kept the simplest formalities only within his guards but all proceedings in court were much more like a casual conversation. He was snappy, aggressive and short tempered, but Aiyana knew that if she was polite, King Logan was happy with her presence.

"Why aren't you on the enemy line? Strategist?"

Not sure what to say and a little shocked, Aiyana stumbled over her words, "Umm, well, I... I was posted in the castle so here I am... sir."

She steadied her breath. This man shouldn't intimidate her. She could probably slit his throat with ease. Thank goodness King Logan had never wanted her to kill another Royal. Then, he would have been much harder to defy.

The Queen seemed to believe that the questions had lasted long enough. She posed the final one. "And how would you like to be Ravenna's personal guard? It would result in almost 24 hour protection expect when she is present in the Royal Council."

Aiyana did not really feel like she was in a position to deny. Besides, being close to a Glacian Royal who was present in all the same meetings as the mighty Queen Cynthis herself meant that she must be a goldmine of information. Ravenna was the key to Arkin's escape.

She bowed neatly. "It would be an honour, my Queen."

"Excellent," the Queen said, clapping her hands once. "You shall be posted outside the throne room and henceforth accompany Princess Ravenna. You are exempt from all guard duties unless we inform your superior otherwise."

"You are dismissed."

Aiyana bowed again because it seemed like the right thing to do before exiting the throne room, excitement bubbling in her chest. She had it all worked out. She would gain the trust of the Princess and use her information for her own benefit. Obviously, Aiyana would do her job and protect Ravenna, but she would want something out of it too.


The chambers of Princess Ravenna were beautiful. She kept them neatly, or maybe her maids did, but there was something so elegant about the cream walls, decorated with detailed paintings of animal life, ink and acrylic. Surprisingly, Ravenna kept only a single bed, her dressing table empty of everything except a box, and only one adjoining room: her bathroom.

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