Pronunciation Guide

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Aiyana - Ay-ya-na

Fox - Fo-cs

Logan - Low-gun

Arkin - Ar-ken

Jason - Jay-sun

Avelina "Lina" - Av-eh-lee-na

Zahra - Za-ha-raa

Jaylyn - Jay-leen

Ravenna - Ravv-ee-nar

Cyro - Sie-row

Cynthis - Sin-thus

Places: Please note that all the nations are named after their capital

Nasta - Naaz-da - capital city of the Nastanese nation

Kildrosa - Kil-draw-sur - city in the Nastanese nation

Rova - Row-vaa - capital city of the Rovan nation

Tequas - Te-cua-as - capital city of the nation of Tequas

Glacio - Gla-c-oh - capital city of the Glacian nation

Jaris - Jaar-reese - city in the Glacian nation

Xera - Zer-raa - continent name of Nasta, Kildrosa, Rova, Tequas and Glacio

Distancia - Diss-taan-c-yar - capital city of the Distancianese nation

Goodwillo - Good-will-oh - capital city of the Goodwillian nation

Mara - Mar-raar - capital city of the Maran nation

Yeluva - Yell-uvv-aar, continent name of Distancia, Goodwillo and Mara

Florentina - Floor-ren-tee-naa, capital city of the Florentine People's Republic

Wintuva - Win-too-var, continent name of Florentina

Impractical (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora