Chapter 3: Mysterious New Foes

Start from the beginning

The Tornado crashes into the ground, giving the team's enemies an advantage.

Terra: Sir I got them I got them.

Mysterious leader: Good move in and take them out.

Terra: Yessir!

She walks slowly towards the crashed tornado and prepares to land the final blow with her sniper however Sonic emerges from the plan and Spin Dashes towards Terra and homing attacks her however she was able to dodge much to the hedgehog's surprise.

Sonic: What? How did you?

Terra then says Sonic's own taunt from Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Terra: You're too slow!

This angers the Blue Blur.

Sonic: HEY!! That's my line!!

Sonic attempts to speed blitz Terra but she ultimately dodged all of Sonic's attacks. She throws a punch sending him flying towards a tree. Mario comes in and attempts to do some combos on her but she ultimately proved to be too much for the plumber.

Terra: Nice try!

Mario and Sonic get back up as Luigi and Tails arrives.

Mario: She's tougher than we thought!

Sonic: Yeah it's gonna take more than speed to take her down.

Luigi: Then let's jump her together.

Tails: That might work.

Team Heroes all jump towards Terra but she countered them all despite their combined efforts. They get back up as Slash comes in along with the rest of the villain group ready to attack.

Slash: Hey green boy and fox boy! This payback from the prison!

The villain group completely overwhelms Mario, Sonic, Luigi, and Tails despite their best efforts. Soon they pin down the heroes into a corner as their leader comes and prepares to finish them.

However a bomb appears in front of him and explodes into smock much to Team Heroes shock.

Mysterious leader: What is this?

As he asks this the ground starts shaking causing the villain group to fall to the ground. Once the smoke clears it reveals that Yoshi, Knuckles, Peach, Amy, Donkey Kong, Vector, Wario, Shadow, Waluigi and Silver come to their aid.

Yoshi: Yoshi (Hey guys.)

Knuckles: Don't worry we got your backs

Team Heroes are in joy as their friends have arrived.

Peach: Hey you there! Stay away from them right now!

Amy: If you don't you'll be sorry!

Slash: Sorry about what?

Mysterious leader: Ignore them.....

The heroes all looked at their opponents with angry looks on their faces.

Mysterious leader: We're just going to have to finish this some other time.

All the members of the villain organization all gather as the leader prepares to do a move.

Mysterious leader: Later.

Everyone starts teleporting away as Shadow attempts to stop them.

Shadow: Hey wait!

However they disappeared before the Ultimate LifeForm could reach them.

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