Let's Go With Boyfriend | Doctor Who / Marvel

Start from the beginning

The Doctor, of course, told her it was a complete waste of time when they had other things to worry about, but she assured him that she would ask Bucky — and, if she could, his friend — for any useful information that they might've had. She did, and, even though his friend left (unsurprising, considering how rude her friend had been to him), Bucky had a few things to say that ultimately helped them stop the aliens.

The night, on the whole, was better than she'd expected. He was sweet, and, when they danced, gentlemanly, even if he did flirt — though only with her, even before Clara's friend had managed to find another soldier who was perfectly willing to dance with her. Clara found herself agreeing to a second date even when she knew it would never happen.

"You know, this war can't last forever," he'd said, "and I'd really like to have something to look forward to while I'm over there..."

"Besides getting to go home?" Clara replied.

He laughed. "Yeah, besides that." He looked at her sincerely, then. "How about we go dancing at eight o'clock? The day after I get back?"

Clara forced a smile. "The day after? Why not the day of?"

"Well, I have to go see my mother first, of course. And my sister. But you're third on the list," he joked.

"Only because they're family," Clara replied. "I'll see you at eight." But she knew there was no guarantee he would even survive the war at all.

Just after they began to part ways, Clara decided he wasn't going to leave and most likely head off to his death in a few hours without one thing. "Bucky," she said.

He turned back to her. "Yeah?"

And then she kissed him, and she knew that it wasn't just for him, but for herself. Because in the few hours she'd known him, she'd begun to care for him, in a way. It wasn't just his looks or his charm, but his character. She could already tell he was a good man, and he was going to war.

She pulled away from him, though he was holding her close, and he was completely speechless. After a long, long moment, Clara kissed him again, shortly, and then said, "Try to come back... for your family." And then she left him there, knowing she wouldn't be there even if he did get back.

Unless the Doctor takes her there. There's just the matter of getting him to agree to it.

"Doctor, I was wondering if we could go-"

"We can't go anywhere," he says, agitated, furrowing his bushy brows. "There's something wrong with the TARDIS."

Clara becomes concerned, walking over to him at the console. "Something wrong?"

"That's what I just said." He fiddles with switches and things as he speaks.

"Well, maybe we-"

But Clara can't finish, as the TARDIS suddenly lurches, that familiar noise ringing through the air, though the ride is bumpier than usual.

"Where are we going?!" Clara shouts, hanging onto the console for dear life.

"I have no idea!" the Doctor shouts back, doing the same.

Finally, the TARDIS stops, and Clara stands, about to head for the door. "What-?"

But the TARDIS begins to dematerialize, knocking Clara to the ground, tossing her about, and she soon realizes, as the TARDIS begins to disappear, that she isn't going with it.

"Doctor!" she shouts. "Doctor!"

She hears him say, "Clara!" but it's faint.

And then she's looking up at tree leaves, a blue sky peeking out in between the green. The ground is hard under her, and she can hear indistinct voices in the distance.

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