26) Popcorn Games and Halloween Charades

Start from the beginning

Matt catches it and then slowly opens the wrapper, and eats the Aero. "Thanks, mate." He walks off. 

Alex sighs. I shake my head. 

* * *

Technically we had rented the place until eight in the morning the next day, but the rest of the band was too tired to use the extra hours we had when they went home at midnight. I didn't want to leave just yet. On his way out, Alex grabbed the extra candy we had and opened the door for me. 

"Nah, I'm going to stay for a while," I say. Partly because I never got time alone anymore. 

Alex furrowed. "In the dark? Alone? Why?"

I shrug. "I don't really know, I just feel like it."

Alex sighs and rubs his eyes, clearly tired. "Well not alone, you are. I'll tell the band to pick us up in the morning."

Until the morning? I only meant an hour or two. I open my mouth then close it. "There's a store right down the street. They'll probably sell pyjamas. It'll be a Halloween sleepover, of sorts," Alex lazily grins. 

I smile when he leaves, but he comes back in five minutes, I counting the time until he gets back. 

The doorbell rings and Alex tosses me a loose grey t-shirt and some pink flannel bottoms. "Girls like pink, right?" Alex chuckles. He walks in and closes the door. 

I roll my eyes. "Stereotypically. I'm going to change. Thanks, by the way."

Alex smirks. "What, you can't change here?" He leans against the door frame and crosses his arms. 

"You're a perv, you know that?" I laugh, and he laughs with me, and brush past him on the way to the washrooms. I quickly get changed but the pyjamas look enormously oversized on me. I shuffle out and Alex is still in the midst of getting changed. He has his shirt off and smirks when he sees me staring, then puts on the top and covers himself up.

I quickly notice how this looks, blushing, only us two in the dark, alone. “What did you have in mind to do alone?” Alex tempts.

I shrug. “Watch some TV, make a snack. The usual.”

“Sounds fun. You like popcorn?" Alex laughs, heading to the snack area of the building.

Like I haven't told the band this a million times before. "I like all food," I laugh. "No discrimination!"

Alex laughs too, and my heart flutters at the sound of it. "Alright." He pops some in the microwave and I go to turn on the TV, but Al stops me. "Why don't we play a few games instead?" He suggests. 

I try to supress my smile, and end up biting my lip. "What do you have in mind?"

Just then the microwave beeps and he slides on the floor in his comfy socks to put the popcorn in a bowl. As he shakes it out, he gets an idea. He jumps onto the couch from behind and sits beside me. "We throw the popcorn back and forth, each time we catch it in the air we get a point. Sounds like fun?"

I nod. "Me first." I grab a fistful of popcorn and Alex shifts in the couch, eye on the kernel. I toss it to him and he misses. He pouts. "I'll give you another try," I laugh, then throw one at him again. It misses, one more. 

"You know what, Leah, you're just a horrid popcorn thrower. I'd never reccommend you for the popcorn Olympics."

I fake heartbreak. "But that's been my dream since forever!" I mock. 

Alex laughs and throws a piece of popcorn to me. It just hits my face and I blush, embarassed. Alex laughs again. "Maybe you're a terrible thrower as well!" I giggle. 

"No, watch this." Alex tilts his head back and throws a piece of popcorn into his mouth. He catches, and deliberatley slow, he chews it. He raises his hands. 

I make a face at him and throw some popcorn at him. "Cheater."

Alex laughs again. 

Remember what Breana accused me of when we went shopping? Well, in that moment, I knew I was in love; with Mr. Alex Turner, the most adorable rockstar of the century.

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A/N: I cannot thank you guys enough for all of your feedback on this story i love all of you guys like I cannot tell you how much it means to me and it's so cool too the story hit 5K reads ahh. And note: so i know you guys really want the smut soon and it will be in the maybe next chapter or the chapter after that? idk but I don't know how explicit I should make it because... I don't know how old you guys are or if it will offend anybody... haha i'm such a loser sorry bye

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